Twenty-One|| "I'm a moron?"

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The flight was roughly five hours and thirty-nine minutes. That's five hours and third-nine minutes of being stuck between Paula and John. I probably would've gotten a better seat if Sally didn't last minute book.

We were already into hour one and I was ready to jump out the window. Paula and John decided to argue about everything and anything.

I didn't know what I was supposed to do? It wasn't the best time to have a Dr. Phil moment. I offered to swap spots with one of them, but they didn't seem to care. Or they didn't hear me at all.

"Paula, this is all your fault!"

"How am I supposed to control the airplane food?" Paula spat back.

"You should've brought along McBurger King!"

"I think you mean McDonalds." I corrected.

"Yeah!" John snapped.

"That don't allow outside food, moron."

"I'm a moron? You're the moron."

"Respect your elders!"

"You're only older by a month, Paula."

I already had a headache. The couple had been told numerous times to keep it down.

It was hour two. I didn't understand why they weren't horse. They'd been talking for an hour straight. I lost count of the arguments. One minute it was about toilet paper the next it was about who the grand kids loved more.

"Wintergreen is better then peppermint!" John spat.

He literally spat. He was a mouth breather. I bet you he was related to Mrs. Michelson.

"Peppermint is a classic!" Paula scoffed in reply.

I had no idea what they were arguing about now, but never less it was still annoying.

"Everyone loves wintergreen toothpaste!"

It was hour three. They stopped bickering for a while. Mostly because the airplane food was being handed out for a second round.

Airplane food was gross. Worse then cafeteria food. I ate it anyway because it was free food.

Paula was munching on a salad, and John had a bag of peanuts. They weren't exactly neat when they ate. I ended up peanut shells in my hair and lettuce on my lap.

John decided to take a nap giving me a break from the bickering. Paula was reading a magazine so it was nice and quiet. I finally got a break.

At least I thought I did. My stomach was not accepting the airplanes pasta salad well.

I slowly got up pushing John's head off my shoulder. He had drooled on me. Paula gave me a disapproving glare as I rushed to the bathroom.

As soon as I got in the small bathroom my meal came up. This was by far my worst airplane experience I had ever had.

It was hour four. My stomach was completely empty and Paula and John were arguing once again.

"No one likes you, Paula!"

"Then why did you marry me?!"

"Maybe I shouldn't have!"

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"I'm tired of this constant arguing!"

"You're tired? I'm tired!"

I bet my life I was more tired of them. All this arguing was not necessary. Of all places the airplane is where they choose to fight? They went on and on about anything and everything.

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