Part 2

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Whether he had just gone for a walk around the city the next day, or whether he had a little hope in him to meet yesterday's stranger again, Xiao Zhan was well aware of his feelings. But what worried him was how his attention could be attracted by a guy he met for the first time in his life... Although it seemed as if they had already known each other for a long time. Last night, talking to him and listening to him perform, he had a feeling as if it wasn't the first time they were meeting. But the memory couldn't drive him like that, if it were, Xiao Zhan would have remembered this person, so he decided to just get rid of this thought. And now walking around the city, on the street where yesterday's tavern was located, his thoughts were filled with only one person. It was even a little frightening... after so many years, finally he was thinking of another person other than... other than his childhood friend...

In fact, their relationship with his friend was very different, because when they first met he was only 9 and his friend was 7. They were friends for about five years, after which... Wang Yibo was gone. So much happened during those years that he doesn't even want to remember anything, but for all this time he couldn't erase the image of his little friend from his memory. He even dreamed about him a few times... sitting in his room, hiding behind his bed and crying loudly. Every time he tried to reach out and hug him, Yibo would disappear as if he didn't exist at all. After each dream he woke up in a cold sweat and couldn't go back to sleep. For ten years... for ten years his thoughts hadn't given him a peaceful life. If Yibo were alive, would they be able to be... even friends again? Would he be able to look him in the eye and not see him as an enemy?

- Young Master, - a familiar voice suddenly broke into his subconscious and reminded him that all of these events were in the past. Turning around he saw the guy from yesterday and it made his heart freeze for a second, as if that little Yibo was standing in front of him. As soon as he blinked, the mirage disappeared, and then he heard the guy's voice, - This is the third time we've met.

He smiled and suddenly Xiao Zhan found his smile similar to that of his Yibo. Is it possible... no, this is nonsense.

- How about we formally introduce ourselves and drink to our acquaintance? - The guy added, preventing him from plunging back into his bitter memories. But he couldn't help but see the similarities in them anymore... they were indeed very similar. Perhaps that was the reason for his sudden interest in this young man...

- I don't mind, - he finally spoke back and gave a slight smile. His thoughts were a mess inside, but he tried not to show it.

- Let's go, - the stranger smiled and took a step away, calling him to come with him.

Xiao Zhan didn't even ask him where they were going, why. Only silently followed him. If it was Yibo... he would probably follow him at least to wherever he went. Wouldn't he? But Yibo is gone. And this guy walking beside him now... he's just trying to replace him with him. How stupid.

- It seems that all our meetings are not so random. Or maybe I'm just thinking too much, - he spoke first this time. They had been walking down the long street in silence for a long time now, and he wanted to break the silence that was pulling him further and further into the past with each passing second.

- It's just fate, - said the guy in a confident voice. This even amused the situation a little, and Xiao Zhan couldn't hold back his smile, but he said something else out loud.

- What do you mean?

- Are you free tomorrow night? - He couldn't help but be surprised by the sudden change of topic. It seemed that this guy was quite unpredictable, you couldn't predict his next move. Something about him was so mysterious... something he wanted to know. He was full of secrets.

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