Part 5

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Attention! All parts of the video have been removed from tiktok! All parts of the video I will on upload to the telegram channel. I will leave a link in the comments. Click through so you don't miss out!

There was very little time at all. Yibo knew he was powerless, he had no power, no army, not even men who would march with him against His Highness. He was alone. Sadly, the days when he was known as the son of the Great General Wang were behind him, perhaps now no one would even remember his father who had served his homeland faithfully. To honor the Generals has always been one thing, there were very few who would die of old age. And it is sad when everyone forgets their exploits, ascribing all credit to the Emperor. Who won the war? The Emperor. Thanks to whom does our state blossom? Thanks to the Emperor. No, Yibo didn't devalue his labor at all, but knowing the whole truth, he didn't want to live in a country where loyal servants died at the hands of their Emperor, like what happened to his and Xiao Zhan's parents.

No matter how much he thought about it, he could not understand. Why did his father, who loved his country with all his soul, devoted his entire life to preserving his country, making sure that the people did not know grief and misery at the hands of enemies, have to die so sadly? And why does he have to run away now, clutching Xiao Zhan's  hands tightly, when they are both sons of Great Generals. Does anyone even remember their fathers?
He could hear the chase already coming after them, but it was too late to retreat. And he would never do it himself. He had succeeded in persuading Xiao Zhan. What he needed to do now was to take him and disappear from this country forever. Travel far away, find a house far away from the hustle and bustle of the city where they would stay and live a quiet, peaceful life.

When Aunt Wang was afraid that Yibo would take up the idea of revenge, she always told him about his parents' wish. "Your mother and father wanted you to live your life quietly and peacefully. Away from the palace and palace intrigue." Initially, he didn't understand this and had been hatching a plan to uncover the truth. But every time he heard those words from his aunt's mouth, he realized more and more that she was right. No matter how much this desire for revenge burned his bones, he could not allow one side of the spear to touch his aunt, who was determined to take revenge on Yibo, he could not stand idly by.

In fact, when Yibo arrived in the capital that day, he still doubted everything. But then he managed to meet Xiao Zhan anew, to become a friend to him again. And then after learning that His Highness was bullying him, he finally decided to take him away from here and live that quiet life. But they had to get out of here first.

- This is the Scorpion Clan. His Highness's men. We can't stand up to them. Go away. They won't hurt me, - Xiao Zhan stopped suddenly and said those words to him.

It was scary... very scary for not being able to protect him. And looking into his frightened eyes, Yibo wanted to just hug him, to comfort him, to do something, but his head at this moment was completely empty, he did not know what to do. He realized only one thing, he would not leave Zhan-ge here.

- I won't leave you here I will only leave with you, - his confident voice said in response.

- Then... just stay behind me and don't rush into battle, okay? - His Zhan-ge turned to him and squeezed his palm so tightly that he felt as if they were joined together forever. He could feel the warmth emanating from Zhan-ge and it warmed his heart so much. Before, the one who protected was always him, but now their places had changed and he seemed to feel protected for the first time. But Yibo  thought to himself  "how do you want to protect me if you can't fight yourself". Not even a second later, four Scorpion Clan warriors appeared in front of them. Xiao Zhan immediately covered him with himself, standing in front of him.

- Let's finish this quickly, - one of the warriors spat out, pointing his long sword at them.

Neither he nor Zhan-ge had any weapons, but he realized that he didn't intend to just give up.

As if out of the blue, everyone burst into battle. His little friend who had once been weak in health and unable to practice martial arts, skillfully confronted the enemies, which surprised him...


" - Take Bo-er and hide him. Don't let people know that he survived. Wanjuan, can you hear me?

- No. Take care of your child yourself. There's no way the Emperor would do such a thing. Don't say such terrible things.
- Ah-Juan! You are the only family I can trust. Take Bo-er. Xiao Ruo asked you to take ZhanZhan too. Please don't let them get hurt"

She seemed to be back in the day when her elder brother suddenly called out to her manor, where she saw him in a bad state. His eyes were full of fear, he was trembling all over and begged her to take his son and along with him, Xiao Zhan too. This was the first time in a long time that they hadn't fought... It had been ten years now, and she had to go back to that room where Yibo's parents had stood in front of him and begged him to save their son. Looking back now, Wanjuan realizes that the parents of those two boys knew that this day would be their end. And their only wish was to save their sons.

Unfortunately, she was only able to take Yibo that day. Her nephew. When she went to fetch Xiao Zhan, he was already gone. She was informed that His Highness had already taken Gen Xiao's son to his place. Then, thinking that there was someone to take care of him, she left the capital with Yibo. And when she returned a few years later, she learned that they had bound each other in marriage. But she could not tell this to her nephew, who had very different feelings for his friend. She had no idea that ten years later their paths would meet again and Yibo would find out all about it himself. She would tell him the other side of Xiao Zhan and His Highness.

After he left her manor, she could not go to bed peacefully. The feeling of unfulfilled hopes did not leave her soul, making itself known again and again. As if a big lump was stuck in her throat, Wanjuan couldn't stop thinking about it. His Highness torment Xiao Zhan... Was their perfect relationship back then just rumors and lies? It seemed that Xiao Zhou and her brother were standing in front of her right now, blaming her for such a blunder. She was trusted, she was asked to take Xiao Zhan away from this capital, but what had she done? Not only did she fail in her request, but she let the poor boy fall into the clutches of a tiger.

Toward morning, Jiaoshuo came running to her saying that Wang Yibo had been gone all night again. She knew where he had gone. Knowing her nephew, she was more than sure that he would want to take his Zhan-ge from His Highness' estate. So after gathering her men, Wang Wanjuan decides to go in search of them. If all of what Yibo said is true, they won't be let go so easily. But this time, she must put an end to everything and help them. Even if it costs her life...

Except apparently Heaven has completely different plans. She only found Wang Yibo, who was lying on the ground, unconscious and injured. And Xiao Zhan was nowhere to be found. He was left to die here outside the city... it seems she was too late.

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