Part 3

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It had only been a day since they had gone home, sitting on the hill and admiring the night view of the capital. Yibo admits that he didn't want to leave that place at all... he wanted to continue sitting there and have time stop at this moment where they were doing well. Next to Zhan-ge, who is playing him a tune he wrote and himself, who is enjoying it. Where there is only Wang Jie and Xiao Zhan, and the past doesn't matter at all... He wished so much that everything that happened turned out to be just a bad dream and now he is really getting to know him for the first time. But alas, Heaven had other plans for him. Will they never be together?

- If it's heads, we're meant to be together. And if... - He didn't want to say the second part of the sentence, as if he said it out loud, it would come true...

He tossed the coin high, and then caught it with both hands, as if indeed his entire future fate depended on it. But opening his palms, he noticed that the coin was stuck between his fingers, not taking any direction. "Even you don't know," sounded his own voice in his head. It seemed that even Heaven itself hadn't yet decided what to do with them. Yibo only sighed sadly and closed his eyes to wait for Xiao Zhan further, sitting high up in a tree.

They were supposed to meet today, but it had gotten dark enough and Zhan-ge was still gone that at some point Yibo resigned himself to the fact that there would be no meeting today. But hope still lurked in him, so he didn't leave even when the hour of the bull (1-3 am) came. And there was only one thought swirling in his mind, how he would tell the truth... This lie he told Xiao Zhan was like a bone stuck in his throat, preventing him from swallowing quietly. It was scratching him from within, thus punishing him for his misdeeds. He hated to lie... but he saw no other choice. He couldn't say he was Wang Yibo.

And just like that, thinking about his own lie, punishing himself for it, he didn't even notice that it was already rabbit hour (5-7 am), attracting the first rays of sunlight. Even though Yibo was on the outskirts of the city, the noise of the capital's hustle and bustle was gradually reaching his ears. Perhaps Mingde had already sounded the alarm upon learning that he had been gone all night and had run to Auntie Wang with reports. But even those thoughts weren't the reason for him to return to the inn. It was scary... as if he left this place now, he would never be able to see his Zhan-ge again. And if he had to sit here for several nights just to see him again, he was perfectly willing to do so.

- My nephew is sleeping outside now? - The woman's familiar voice suddenly sounded as he came down from the tree, took a comfortable position on the ground, and lay down to continue his wait. When he opened his eyes, he saw his aunt leaning over him and couldn't get up from his seat. Well... he was right. Jiashuo had indeed run to her to tell her that he was missing.

Yibo hadn't seen his aunt in a long time, but to be honest, he didn't care enough to talk to her. So with only a smile back at her, he decided to just leave this place for a while and come back when Aunt Wang returned to her home.

- I heard you met with Xiao Zhan, - she turned to follow him and he froze in surprise. How much she already knew... That was the reason why he didn't want to talk to her right now. Because he knew what he would hear from her mouth in response to his thoughts.

No, Yibo wasn't annoying at all, but just... when it came to the past, their views on it were slightly different. Unfortunately he had lived and was still living, unable to let go of that day from his thoughts, and she wanted him to finally stop thinking about it and live a calm, quiet life, not going back to the day they had to run out of town without looking back.

To be honest, she had become a second mom to him in those ten years, despite the fact that his father hadn't gotten along well with her during his lifetime, even though they were siblings. Every time they met they ended in a quarrel, so Aunt Wang at one point even stopped coming to visit them. Then it seemed to little Yibo that his father and his aunt didn't love each other at all, for there wasn't a single meeting where they could talk quietly or laugh at a story like the other siblings he had seen. But on that day, it was she who came to his rescue and for all those ten years, it was she who took care of his son. So now Yibo more than realized that they both really loved each other, they just couldn't say it out loud, and their personalities were similar, which prevented a calm, pleasant conversation. And now, he was truly grateful for everything she had done for him. For accepting him as her own son. For never leaving him alone. For being a support and a family to him. But apparently Yibo had gotten his father's temper... at least now, he didn't want to be reprimanded by her.

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