chapter 17 5 Day weekend off

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It's already been many months since Adrian and his comrades arrival to this new dimension but at this point and at this time everything changed the machines and Humanity didn't expect it.

But now. . . The time has come.


As Adrian and Akira were having a pretty sucky time as Oobleck learned that Adrian used his Atomic breath so after that he decided to train Adrian and Akira to use their abilities

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As Adrian and Akira were having a pretty sucky time as Oobleck learned that Adrian used his Atomic breath so after that he decided to train Adrian and Akira to use their abilities.

As Adrian and his comrades were testing they're full abilities while Zach was testing his full speed as Michael was testing his own durability.

While Alyssa and Tiffany we're testing there silk ability while Zach was helping Tiffany how to fly since he was the only one that can do it including Jean as he was able to fly longer distance too.

Stanley and Keithon where's testing their full strength as Stanley was practicing his super kick while balancing on his tail has Kai was using his full power to used for his combat.

As they were learning in the Emerald Forest as it was a little safer for them to train beside in the courtyard or the arena.

While Adrian and Akira we're learning from Oobleck how to use their atomic breaths.

Now you two for you two learn your Atomic breath ability. Oobleck said.

And how do we use it. Akira ask.

Well the first step of trying to unlock it is to think of your passionate Fury. Oobleck said.

Passionate fury. Adrian ask.

Precisely Akira think of your most hated thing. Oobleck ask.

As Akira took a while to think of his most hated thing that someone did to him he was concentrating very hard until the back of his head with Spike started to Glow bright red Alice Akira's eyes grow the bright yellow before he unleashed the red fire breath that was almost hot as magma as Oobleck called it the magma heat ray.

After Akira was done firing his magma heat ray or was commonly known as the death Ray.

So that's my heat Ray. Akira said.

Yes sure is not that much powerful like Adrian's but it's still devastating and it's used for many things to actually attack opponents from range or softened rocks for your digging ability. Oobleck said.

Oh? You don't say. Akira said.

As Akira decided to try out I see fired on the ground and used his sharp claws to pierce through the ground as he quickly dug underneath as Adrian and Oobleck waited for a few seconds before Akira popped out of the ground quickly showing that his kind were quick Borrowers.

So he wasn't lying. Akira said.

Now Adrian it's your turn to try your Atomic breath think of your most hated thing that you experience. Oobleck ask.

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