I love you too

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TW: medical stuffff, i can't say too much without revealing stuff. if you have watched greys anatomy you will survive trust me :)



I woke up to feel someone squeezing my hand, I heard the heart rate monitor, I could smell the hand sanitizer. I am in the hospital... I made it...I am here... Alive... Emily notices the heart monitor pick up pace as she hears me start to sniffle, tears stream down my eyes.

"Is he dead?" Is the first thing I can say. I need to know. He needs to be dead.

"He is... Reid- Reid killed him." She said as I took her in. Her eyes are red and puffy, she has been crying.

"How long have I been out?" I ask.

"11 days..." She responds, as if she was going to say more but she doesn't.

"What- what's wrong?" I ask her.

"How much do you remember?" She asks me.

"I remember everything leading up until he drugged me the first time. Then he starting cutting my shins, waking me up again... Drugging me... Over and over. Then I remember you shaking me awake... Then I passed out again." I said. She looks like a weight has been lifted off her, her shoulders visibly relaxed. What did she want me to remember... Or not remember.

"Ok, I missed you so much. Don't do that ever again." She said with tears storming down her face.

"Is there something I missed? Something I should remember?" If there is something she wants me to know then I guess I should just ask. She just looks at our hands and she just gives a sad smile and looks me in the eye.

"No, there is nothing. I just don't want you to do that again. I just said things I didn't mean when I was there because I was angry that you left and scared to death because you were gone. "There is something you should- you should know first." She gets quite.

"Is it my family? Are they ok? Did he hurt them... He said if I just surrendered then he wouldn't hurt anyone anymore." I start sobbing again until Emily grabs my hands and starts to hold my hand to her face and kiss it.

"No, nothing like that... It is something he did to you..." She pauses, "Let me just get the doctor really quickly." She says. But before she can leave I grab her hand.

"Emily, just tell me please." I beg her with tears filling my eyes.

"Mena, you're- youre pre- pregnant..." Emily chokes out in between deep breaths. "The doctor can explain." She leaves and gets the doctor while I just sit there in shock, not knowing how to react. I just out my hand over my stomach and the other over my mouth and feel like puking.

"Hello Ximena, I am Dr. Owen Hunt, this is Dr. Addison Montgomery, and Dr. Christina Yang. We have been your surgical team and will be your surgical team until you fully recover. " They all introduced themselves but I am still in shock. I put my hand back over my mouth and I feel like puking, Dr. Montgomery hands me a pan and I puke into it.

"What... What happened to me? What is going on?! Why do I have 4 surgeons?" I ask starting to get worried as I drink some water that Dr. Montgomery handed me.

"When you were admitted you have been heavily abused by drugs and were in and out the entire time, you coded twice we didn't know if you were going to make it. You were brought in and we immediately took you to a secluded room to make sure we could run all the necessary tests, CT scan, EKG, Ultrasound for internally bleeding. We heard and found something unusual in your EKG, CT came back clear and you had some internal bleeding along with some obvious tissue damage on your skin and the fact that you had been heavily drugged. We had to wait until all of your drugs came out of your system because we put any different ones into your system. We put you in a medically endured Coma for 24 hours before we took you to the operating room." He takes a second to make sure he can keep going.

 (Emily Prentiss x OC) WILL NEVER BE FINISHED Where stories live. Discover now