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"Real friends are always going to be there by your side, even if you push them away, people who love you will always choose to stay. True friends aren't about who came first or who you've known the longest, it is about who came and never left."

Who do you spend your time with? Which company do you keep? Is it the type that gathers to gossip about their fellows early in the morning? Or those that convince you to change your mind when you plan on getting something meaningful done? Is it those that will push you to the edge inorder to succeed in life?

Do you know that the ones that stay and fight with you to succeed in life are the true ones? Knowing the right set of people to move with is an important requirement in having a successful and meaningful life.

The people you keep determines who you are. Like the adage says, "Show me your friend and I will know who you are". Can you boldly call that person you spend most of your time with your friend in public?

The relationships you keep with people plays a vital role in shaping yourself for a better future. I ask myself, what type of people do I keep around me? What impact are they making in my life? Are those the ones that will visit me in my house daily and talk about famous shows all through the day? Or those that will call me in the midnight to remind me of my plans for the day?

You should ask yourself these questions. The fact is that if you spend your time with postive people, they will have positive impact on you and if you spend your time with negative people, they will have negative impact on you.

It is important to know the kind of friends you keep. Some friends betray and leave you. Some stick with you till the very end. Be smart when choosing the people you wish to build a relationship with. Do not have a friend that laughs and smiles at your jokes but bad mouth you behind.

Keeping relationships steady and free from heartbreaks is not an easy deal. Do not be the type of friend that only checks on his or her friend when he or she needs help. Some people won't even remember you till they are in need of your assistance. They leave you when they get the hint that you can't offer them anything any longer. Beware of those people!

How close are you as a father to your children? How well do you know your daughter as a mother? Do you call your sister once in a blue moon or frequently to check on her? As a boyfriend, how well do you treat your girlfriend? The main reason why relationships suffer is as a result of lack of understanding and communication.

I remember a friend in my secondary school, we were very close. We did things together, we went home together. We were not different from siblings. It got to a point, the gap started forming. I got confused why we were drifting apart. We started talking less. It was terrifying because I knew I was losing my friend gradually.

The mistake we both made was not talking things out before it got worse. We both kept mute till it got out of hand. We went from being close friends to total strangers. I realised that lack of communication ruined our friendship.

Ask your friend and partner what is going on with them when you see awkward changes in your relationship. People go through so much but smile to cover it up. You never know what your friend is going through. Don't be harsh, be calm with them.

Be that true friend to the person you love and cherish. I remember my friends, they are like my siblings. They are always there to motivate, help me and push me to do better. They see the good in me and I appreciate them. Such great humans!

Having this specie of humans is a great gift and advantage to achieve great things. Don't be a lonewolf! Associate with the right set of people. Ask yourself that if my child keeps a friend like mine will I be happy? Will he be making me proud? Have positive answers to these questions then you are on the right path but if otherwise, then you need to choose better.

I keep saying choose the right people but are you the right person someone desires to have by their side? You need be the best version of yourself so you will meet the right people that together you will achieve the best of the best.

You want to know why rich kids have mainly rich friends? It is because they want to acquire more wealth and fame. They believe their rich friends can bring them to a world of another level. Have the attitude of those you want around you. You want to have nice and supportive friends, then you need to be nice and supportive also.

If you have these right set of people, don't take them for granted! Having these people will bring you out of your comfort zone, out of your shell and make you realise what you can do for yourself to have a great life.

Cut off unnecessary people out of your life!! Have friends and partners that look up to you and you also look up to them. Let that friend or partner of yours look you in the eye and tell you, "I am proud to have you as my friend".

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