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Have you imagined how the world would be if everyone had a kind heart and a gentle soul? Sitting in the comfort of my room got me thinking about how insecurity will not exist if everyone is pure of heart.

I once closed my eyes and imagined a world full of people lending alms, assisting their fellow humans and doing humanity a great favour. Trust me, the world I dreamt of was full of love, happiness and prosperity.

Kindness and good deeds go a long way. As a human, one needs to be kind and ready to lend assistance to his or her neighbour in distress. But, this has been the other way around in the past years.

Being kind and loving to our fellow humans makes the world a better place, a better realm to live in. The world is cruel because people in it are cruel. You need to show the act of kindness and love to everyone around you.

Relationships grow when there is love and kindness between partners. As a friend, are you the type that pushes your fellow friend away when he or she needs assistance? Are you always there for the people you claim you love?

Anthony Williams said and I quote, "kindness is not an act, it is a lifestyle". Kindness should be an inbuilt trait of yours that should be exhibited every day. The act of offering good deeds goes a long way in giving people the love they were deprived of, giving people the motivation they need and making them know that someone is there for them.

The world of good deeds needs to be restored to promote the sanctity of society. Kindness goes a long way. A person can be saved in just a twinkle of an eye as a result of kind gestures. At the same time, a person can feel motivated as a result of kindness.

The world we live in today has become a place full of fear and trepidation. You hear news of siblings hurting themselves and selling themselves out, why? Because there is no love and kindness. This lack of qualities is what is making society a dangerous place today.

True friends don't even exist anymore because there is no love. Friends don't assist one another because there is no kindness and love. This has to stop!

It saddens the heart when the rich are not kind to the poor. It breaks my heart when the less privileged are not shown the act of kindness. Just because you are doing so well, doesn't mean everyone is fine too. Be kind! Be kind!

Show love and extend a hand of kindness to your neighbours, friends, siblings and everyone around you. People go through so much but smile to cover it up. Be humble and kind to everyone!

I await patiently the world of good deeds. I await patiently when this world will be filled with love and kindness because when that happens, the world will become a better place to live. The world will not be filled with insecurity and people won't be running helter-skelter.

Be kind! Be kind! Be kind!


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