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Hey guys!!!!❤
I know I have been gone for a while now. Trust me, I am not at fault. School stuff has been hectic so you my favourite people should please bear with me😍.
Do well to enjoy this chapter and remember to vote.

Love y'all❤>>

I went through my phone for the nth time today with the hope that my so-called close friend would help me out this time. This offer I am pursuing is crucial and it is a one-in-a-million offer.

I pleaded with her to assist me just this once, but just like always, She disregarded my plea, saw my messages and calls but didn't tend to them. This wasn't the first time this happened. It has been on for a while.

A thought made its way to my lonely mind. The question surfaced, " Why am I friends with this person if she can't support me and help me in hard times?".
I couldn't find the answer immediately. But I know I found my answer the moment I decided to cut things off.

There are times we feel this person is the only one who understands me, the only one who listens to me. There are times you have this feeling that if this person leaves me, I don't think I will be able to survive.

Not everyone is worthy to be a part of one's life. Not everyone is worthy of your time, love and support.

The moment you know that this person can't be there for me just like I am for him/her. If this person can't add value to my life just like I do for him/her then, there is no reason to stay.

Cutting off people you have spent years with is one the most difficult and painful decisions you can ever make. It might be normal for some but trust me when I say the void will still be there.

My Coach once told me, "If there is a friend that can't feature in my future that I am picturing, then such a friend should leave my life".

The moment you know that a particular person can't feature in the future you picture for yourself then I will tell you for free that such a friend doesn't deserve to feature in your present.

One thing I have learned this year is the power of having the right people by your side. The right people will always be there for you, support you and they don't think that you do too much or envy you.

This solid lesson has kept me going and I am sceptical about the people I keep around me.


● Have people that will tell you they are proud of you when you do good.

● Have people who will scold you and tell you that you messed up when you do bad.

● Have people that have the same aspirations and goals as you do. This makes productivity more effective.

● Have people who won't think you do too much in striving for that future you desire.

● Have people you see yourself in and they see themselves in you.

● Don't be too afraid to cut off the people that don't fit to be in your future.

● Don't have people that discourage you and make you feel bad about your ideas.

●Have friends that add value to your life.

The kind of Friendships and Relationships you keep really matter in your growth and development.

Anyone you know that doesn't fit into the future your picture for yourself should not deserve to be in your present.

Be smart about the people you keep around!

Be there for the people that love to associate with you.

Be a great friend and be there for the people you love.

Be a person that adds value to other people's life.

Keep this in mind;
Inorder to attract the right people to you, then you must also be someone of great value.

Be that person that adds value to other's life!!

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