The Backstory: Part 1

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Note: This was written yesterday. :)

Guys, I just thought about this and felt [that God put this on my heart] to tell you about this.

PLEASE choose which "Christian" artists or bands you listen to WISELY. I was trying out a Christian indie playlist yesterday that I bookmarked in the past but hadn't actually listened to, and I skipped two songs (not in order) because I just got a slightly peculiar feeling about them.

Look, I LOVE indie music. In fact, it's my favorite genre of [Christian] music. But as the playlist goes on, around 4 songs in, I get a song from Ecclesia. I'd never heard of them until yesterday, and honestly, I probably won't ever again.

I don't mean to bash them or anything. Usually when I listen to Christian songs, I like to at least understand the lyrics to see if they're biblical, and this particular song from Ecclesia was. But as I got near the end of the song, I got a REALLY UNEASY feeling.

I quickly hopped on Google to try and find out if they were controversial in any way (aka to see if they were/weren't as biblical as they seemed and if I should stop listening to the song), and it seemed like there really wasn't anything. Coincidentally, in a Reddit conversation I had started reading about half an hour before, someone mentioned them in a later part of the discussion that I hadn't gotten to. This discussion was not about Ecclesia, or Christian indie music, but about another Christian artist (I don't listen to but have seen many times before making montages, films, e.g. on YT) who people were worried might be losing his faith.

I just so happened to continue reading that discussion (maybe 10-20 minutes later), only to find out that someone was worried about him recently becoming friends with the lead singer of Ecclesia. Again, I looked up any controversies that Ecclesia had, and found basically nothing. But this time I also looked into the lead singer. In the process I saw a music video called "Narrow Gate" by Ecclesia (under the google list of their songs), and opened it in another tab to watch it after I was done.

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