My Interpretation: The Takeaway

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   So, I just wanted to warn everyone to choose their influences (everything included, but especially with music because we're ALWAYS listening to it) WISELY. Satan was a talented musician, and he knows how to use music to alter our hearts without us even noticing it. There have been [and still are] many secular musicians, atheists, and even satanists who might use scripture in their music to make a statement or convey a message. Obviously the presence of scripture in their songs/music does not make them someone to listen to. In fact, we should stay away from those kinds of people, because they use God's name in vain and mock Him and His Word.

  So PLEASE. Be VERY careful as you listen to "Christians" who make music; this includes those who are actively trying to become closer to God, and those who might not seem to be. If they do anything that is questionable, do NOT just gloss over it. We all make mistakes, but mockery, misuse, and other [candid] Biblical contradictions should not be taken lightly. Music was created by God as an instrument for worship and praise to Him, but that doesn't mean that Satan (and his principalities) don't [try to] use it for the destruction and corruption of both unbelievers and God's children.

  Above all, the Holy Spirit will guide you. When you become a believer, God sends the Holy Spirit to indwell you (as Jesus is not here on Earth with us). The Holy Spirit is the same Helper that Jesus tells the disciples about before He is to leave them for the last time (John 15:26-27). Listen to what the Holy Spirit tells you to do. I know it can be hard, but try to get in the habit of doing that. It will save you a lot of trouble in the future, and He gives us discernment when we wouldn't have otherwise known that there was something to be warned about.

  Remember, God sees what is going on in the spiritual realm. There are many wars and battles that we cannot see, and that God tries to protect us from. That 'voice' or feeling you get when you're about to do something wrong, is not just your intuition as a believer of Christ. It is the Holy Spirit trying to warn you about something that you cannot see, and keep you from destruction and hardship.



This may just be a coincidence, but I felt an urgency to write this, and incidentally, my internet went out [the evening I started writing it = 1 day ago] even though it has been working (I believe) without trouble for months.

Choose Your "Christian" Influences (artists/bands) WISELYWhere stories live. Discover now