My Interpretation: The Discussion

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  Now one person said that they were "demonic", and while I wouldn't go to that extent, I would say that the video was in the same boat as Billie Eilish's 'When the Party's Over'; the one with the black ink/tears flowing out of her eyes .

 Yes, I used to listen to her and while she's gotten better, I wouldn't highly encourage listening to her music, but that's just me. I don't listen to secular music anymore, so I can't really tell you to what extent she is good or bad anymore; though I'm sure someone else can.

  I would just say that the video definitely isn't the way we might want to represent Christ. This is the same video format that people like Sub Urban (though not as ungodly), and quite a few other secular Indie artists might use. It's slightly eerie, unconventional, maybe even irreverently suggestive, e.g. just like many secular artists today.

  I just believe that ALL parts of Christian music brought to people should be used to bring them closer to God or encourage them in Him. The lyrics were great, but the video just doesn't do that. In fact, it might do the opposite by being too close to secular artists' music videos. The Bible says that in everything we must be set apart, because through Jesus [as His followers] we are (2 Timothy 2:21).

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