The Backstory: Part 2

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  Now, I'll just say that I didn't necessarily find anything that was wrong with his (the leader of Ecclesia's) image, you know just the usual indie-genre kind of expression(s). I will say that there is an angel standing on a rainbow hand that looks a bit weird (the angel does), but we have to remember that God made the rainbow as a sign of His grace and His gift to us.

  Note: I did not look into his social media pages or anything, just what was on the front page (or few) of Google.

  Once I'm done doing a short background check on him, I go back to the video link that I opened in another tab to watch it. This is why I say that we should choose which Christian artists/bands we listen to wisely:

  The song lyrics were biblically 'on point', and were written according to the Bible, but what was NOT OKAY was the video itself. As I watched the video, my conscience contradicted my 'human reasoning'. I felt that SAME uneasy feeling as earlier, but it was MUCH stronger this time. The same feeling of conviction that I always get from the Holy Spirit, when I'm watching the advertised trailer of a horror movie or something for longer than the glance I should have taken. And let me tell you, I've experienced times when I did not listen to Him, and I ended up having nightmares for weeks to months.

  [It's even worse because I'm a constantly vivid dreamer, but I do believe He was trying to teach me a lesson. It's also just how God made it, that something you've seen may pop-up in your dreams.]

  The use of graphics in only one of his eyes, for what I would say, created a hypnotic sentiment in the video was an issue. I had no real issue with the dances they did as they were simply expressive (although not often seen in Christian music). That part was okay.

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