Harmonious melody

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"Well I found out what the Leviathan is," Aisha tells Musa and Bloom Musa seems slightly dazed while Bloom is very excited Both the others look at Musa "Musa? What's wrong" Bloom asks "I...I can hear Melody in a panic the singing whales are panicking the world is out of tune I can feel it" Musa says scared "Well then we'll have to talk later Right now we have to go to Melody" Bloom states "Oh I'll let the others know and I'll tell Roxy to teleport over I bet she can talk to the whales with my help" Aisha says "Ok with that said let's go" Musa says while using her zoomix to teleport to Melody once the fairies teleport there Roxy sits waiting "took you guys long enough" Roxy jokes but Musa just runs past her transforming into her Enchantix form along the way rushing to the water by her fathers home the others follow behind but right before Bloom follows Flora, Tecna, and Stella show up "how she set off quick" Stella complains while panting "well yeah it seems that her form still has the 3 special believix wings it's strange it seems depending on which-" Tecna is interrupted by Stella "yeah yeah we got it can we talk about this later" Stella asks "... fine" Tecna responds but Flora wastes no time rushing after the others but Roxy has already found Aisha and Musa "So what do I do?" Roxy asks "Okay I feel the whales are in distress We need you to calm them down please Roxy" Musa explains "Okay but how will I talk if I'm drowning?" Roxy asks "Well even in my base form I can give others the power to breathe underwater and with the power of the Coral gem I know I'm even more connected to the waters of the magical universe so I'll make a bubble to let you breathe then you talk to the singing whales," Aisha says while looking at Roxy "If it's okay I'm gonna go to the castle and see if everything is alright there the whales must be stressed for a reason," Musa asks "Go we can handle this" Roxy says smiling Musa just nods and flys to the castle thinking of what must be wrong but when she steps foot in the main hall shes terrified "w...what happened here" Musa whispers to herself seeing the whole place is on fire she continues to make her way to the source of the people knowing what she needs to do but the building is collapsing around her but Musa uses her special speedix wings to go at speeds unknown to outrun the falling pieces of the building as her surroundings burn and crash her determination grows bigger and bigger but as she forces the door to the arcives "This is where I need to be...right?" Musa asks herself deep down She feels the singing whales calm down and the world around her balance itself but the world's sound is gone filled with a new determination She walks to the center of a circle of instruments Musa takes a deep breathe before using her magic to use the instruments in perfect harmony "I can do this" she tells herself while the sound of piano, violin, lute, and more fill the room Musa forms a smile on her face but in this wonderland of music the echo of footsteps on a hard floor fills the room but this doesn't phase Musa she's in a state of flow knowing she can do this but she stops as a sound of laughing and clapping fills the room "hahaha you really are good at that aren't you?" the man that has started all these problems Musa only shoots a ball of sound at him trying to catch him in his own words but he's to fast but keeps laughing all the while Musa still stands in the same spot she had played those instruments from but shes full of rage but after a few deep breaths she turns to face the man but just waves her hand to start the music again but he stops laughing staring in confusion as over Musa's head a music sheet which she grabs easily as sound burst around her with her new power her eyes glowing a rouge like color but as music shoots at the man Ash he jumps out of the way but now he looks unphased like he knew this would happen but Musa bring out her sheet of music and throws it into the flames this man had tried to destroy these castle with burn his face show horror as the relic of Melody burns but as Musa loses this form shes not scared she seems happy and just starts the music again transforming back to the form she had just lost "the music sheet wasn't the relic the real relic is that of the music that it held that can never be lost" Musa tells the man looking whos at her in confusion "Harmonious melody" Musa cast her special spell using all the power of her new transformation to restore the worlds music but while she dose this a hand is felt on her shoulder as the ghost of her mother is seen smiling at her Wa-nin looks so proud of Musa in this moment but as she fades away "Musa I want you to know I'm proud and love you" her mother says as she fades back to the after life but as Musa see's her mom and hears her voice a single tear runs down her cheek but that doesn't stop Ash from unleashing flaming attacks apon her which she flys out of the way from but she lands in front of his face "Have you ever listened to the silence?" Musa pauses "It's deafening" she finishes by attacking him but alas he turns to smoke to get away from her "Shoot I thought that'd work," Musa says disappointed but turns to the burning building around her and uncorks her fairy dust and sprinkles it all over the fire that seems to be slowly approaching her as if it was going to eat her but before it could burn her it stops "reverse burn" Bloom shouts "are we too late?" Tecna says beside Bloom "GUYS" Musa screams the other two land beside Musa hugging her but Musa flys upwards sprinkling fairy dust on the fire to make it easier for Bloom to absorb but the sweat from the heat makes Musa drops the bottle which falls into the fire "NO" Musa yells in both anger and sadness but the fairy dust and Blooms magic both put the fire out but as Musa lands and falls to her knees she holds her fairy dust which is no more than a puddle she stands disappointed but as the puddle shapes a new bottle the lantern like cage reforms and makes a string of music notes around it to but it latches back to the chocker necklace around her neck but as the fairies walk out of the room Tecna explains what this new powers seems to have but Bloom also explains what they know about the Leviathan so far but the other Winx wait outside and after Musa walks out they all drag her into a group hug

                      END episode 5

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