Phoenix's Tears (part one)

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Within Shadow Haunt Ash laughs to himself "She fell for it I can't believe it" he says laughing "Now I hold a fragment of the bloom of life" Ash continues holding a small flower full of nature magic walking to the center of the room as a burst of flames form around the flower "Form from the oblivion gates and raise from decay destroy all living" Ash chants as roots burst from the ground sending him to the ground "WHAT?" Ash yells "What happened?" he asks himself "The magic from the girl isn't working what am I missing," he says deciding to search his archives for "There," Ash says finding a book on the Phoenix's Tears "A crystalized form of the Shadow Phoenix's hate for the Great Dragon along with the Leviathan" he reads "So it's the last part I'm missing? I researched the Shadow Pheonix for years" Ash tells himself his rage building a small fire lit around his feet following his as he walks "If it's part of MY magic then why can't I feel it?" He asks himself enraged Unknown to him a small phoenix had formed behind him swirling to his hand and startling him "What are you?" He asked the Phoenix for the flaming bird to only swirl around him turning swiftly the phoenix tripped him "Wait as the Shadow Phoenix I get a phoenix-like form right?" Ash asks the phoenix which only nods flying in a way that creates symbols "A flower?" Ash asks for the bird only to fly creating the symbol of the sun "Those fairies?" Ash asks putting two and two together the Phenix only nods in response "So those faires have some connection to this Oblivion Stone?" he asks only getting a nod in response stretching his flaming wings he flys across Magix's towards Alfea landing in the courtyard walking towards the school where Daphne spots him and rushes outside to confront the man "Hello sir why are you here?" Daphne asked him "I'm a great friend of those Winx girls," Ash said with a crooked grin Daphne's only response was a death glare "Sir I know that's untrue," she said looking at the flaming wings Flora had described in detail, Ash looking to his wings then the entrance as Winx club girls run towards the two in the courtyard the Dragon Flame charging after Ash who with one swift flap of his wings the Winx are pushed back the Dragon flame having vanished with a smirk on his face Ash shot into the sky flying high above Alfea as the students of the college slowly shuffled outside looking towards the man "girls" Stella says pausing as she notices the students around her "We need to get everyone indoors" Tecna whispers everyone nodding transforming into their Relix transformations Daphne using her Sirenix form "Nymph Of Sirenix" Daphne says calling upon her special Sirenix spell conjuring her nymph form only for Ash to raise a hand "Within the darkest depths I call on the burning will of the Shadow Phoenix and mark this one as the newest burned one" Ash utters facing Bloom for a blast of black fire fly towards Bloom only for Daphne to swoop in and take the blast full force a searing pain being the only thing Daphne feels a burst of fire explodes nocking the fairies back only cushioned but the plants and nature Flora conjures to break they're fall Daphne now appears as a burning spectator her human form burned away forever cursed to feel the searing pain of a blazing flame Bloom running towards Daphne only for the crackle of fire to come from behind the fairies when the winx look back at Alfea the school burning around the fairies the students running around frantically "I'll make sure everyone's outside" Roxy says transforming to her Speedix wings flying into the school so quick leaves around her are ripped of the trees around her the other fairies following her inside Roxy

Daphne and Bloom sit together while Ash only laughs Bloom and Daphne their forms joining like they had down back when the Winx had restored Domino the two summon the Dragon Flame Ash quickly avoids their attacks a rage growing within Bloom she uses her Relix special spell "Flame Of The Dragon" the duo calls out as a burst of fire revealing the Great Dragon's spirit resting behind Bloom and Daphne both with a blank expression the Great Dragon pouncing on Ash quickly "The Great Dragon herself"Ash exclaims with excitement "just what I needed" he whispers to himself with a sickening smirk shooting upwards several spirals of fire attempt to restrain Bloom and Daphne each spiral poofing into smoke at the slightest touch of the Nymph and fairy duo the Great Dragon quickly pouncing causing a crater to form under Ash as he hits the ground

Inside Alfea burning darkness envelopes the school's halls a thick smoke wafting through the air "We need to smother the flames" Flora says summoning leaves in an attempt to smother the fire only for the leaves to be burnt and raise the flames "Flora what did you expect to happen?" Roxy asks genuinely confused "Those leaves should have smothered the fire" Flora explains "ENOUGH" Aisha snaps while Tecna creates a bubble of tecno magic to stop the fairies from ingesting smoke while everyone thinks Musa suddenly speaks "Girls we just gotta use fairy dust" Musa says confidently "It's like when I earned Enchantix" Musa continues uncorking her fairy dust bottle the others quickly following suit "Let's do this" Musa says pumping a fist into the air as the fairies fly in different directions spreading fairy dust throughout the halls the six quickly make short work the flames soon seeming to have been extinguished only for the fire to rage worse then when they began still Flora sprinkles fairy dust within her palm cherry blossom flowers quickly blooming in her hands throwing the flowers "Cherry Bombs" Flora calls out as the flowers explode in an attempt at smothering the flames "It won't work" The voice of the Leviathan says as the petals burn join hands the girls slowly spining exchanging worried looks "We call apon the Leviathan's magic" they say together as their form changes "Take care of Corix" The Leviathan's voice calls out quickly fading Aisha flying towards the ceiling summons water around her shaping the Leviathan's shape around her "Leviathan's Flood" Aisha calls out causing a flood to spread throughout the school's halls leaving the girls with enough energy to make their way outside quick to collapse leaving the crumbles of the burned school to fall only for the Great Dragon's spirt to spiral around the girls as Bloom watches in horror the realm in-between their world and infinite ocean "If you shall win you're to find the hatred the phoenix hold for me and the dragon herself" The Leviathan says leaving the fairies to rest on the ground only to the sound of heels clacking against stone in a frantic sound


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