KISS ME [MileApoBible]

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Never in a million years, Bible thought he'd be able to date both Mile and Apo, but here he is, dating not one, but both men. The two older have been attached to the hip from the start but even then Bible can't help but fall for the two of them, thinking it was impossible to get between the two, Bible likes them from afar.

Bible soon enough became close with both Mile and Apo, but as time passed, there was a shift in their relationship, or one could say the way both Mile and Apo treat Bible changed. The two start gravitating towards Bible, wherever Bible goes, one will see Mile or/and Apo near him.

At first, Bible doesn't realize this, he's just enjoying the fact he can spend more time with his crushes, but a talk with his best friend, Jeff, makes him realize that Mile and Apo are acting different than usual.

"So, are you finally dating MileApo?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"The three of you always stuck with each other"

"That's not true... beside you know, it's impossible for me to be with them"

"Are you fucking stupid?"

"HEY! I'm not stupid... besides what makes you think I'm dating them? I don't have the guts to confess..."

"My dear friend, Bible Wichapas Sumettikul, both Mile and Apo fucking act like your fucking boyfriends"

"Not true! I wish though..."

"Bruh, they're always around you. Not only that, they treat you differently, a special kind of difference. Let's not forget the way they always somehow touch you, or compliment you, or look at you fondly!"

"... I still don't believe it"

"Ugh, can't believe I have a friend who has high IQ but low EQ"


After Bible's conversation, he starts to think about Mile and Apo, he has to admit that they do become a lot more clingy and touchy with him, but Bible still has a hard time believing that there is a strand of hope that the two of them may have like him back.

It was one night when everything changed for Bible, the whole crew was celebrating the last episode of their series with drinks, Bible ended up getting a bit out of control with the drinks and was wasted pretty quickly.

Mile and Apo saw how Bible drank quickly and obviously started to get intoxicated, the two looked at each other and plastered themselves on each of the younger one's sides. Apo grabs Bible's drink and pushes it away while Mile immediately has his hand on the small of Bible's back.

Seeing Apo pushing his drink away, Bible pouted before circling his arm around the older's neck, burying his face onto the skin, and inhaling the older's scent. Apo who was caught off guard, looked at Mile with surprise on his face, earning a chuckle from Mile.

Mile rubs the smaller one's back, massaging his neck as they stay in the same position. Soon enough Bible pulls away from Apo and looks at his other side, looking at Mile. Bible furrows his eyebrows, frowning as he looks back and forth between Mile and Apo before smiling, pointing at Mile's face and poking his cheeks, giggling.

Seeing Bible act like this, Mile can't help but chuckle fondly, as he keeps his eyes trained on the younger, he was then caught off guard when Bible surges towards him, planting his lips against Mile for a while, before pulling back and giggling, to the point he nearly fell from his seat.

As Bible tips back, Apo immediately places his hand on Bible's back, preventing the younger from falling. Bible giggles as he stares at Apo, grinning as he surges towards Apo and places his lips against the older's lips before sagging on his seat and leaning on the older, loosely hugging the older, whispering a confession under his breath, before then grabbing Mile's arm blindly, hugging it.

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