KISS ME PT.2 [MileApoBible]

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Bible never knew that being in a relationship with two of his crushes was possible, always thinking that it was a far-fetched dream, but here he is now, squished between his 6-month-long two big boyfriends, having a date night.

Once the three started dating, they ended up committing into a once a once-a-week date night, whether it was going to a fancy dinner, strolling out at night, night drives, or movies. Currently, they are watching a movie at Apo's place, watching something that they randomly choose as it looks interesting.

The three sat on a couch, with Mile leaning back with his arm resting on the sofa's back and Bible sitting on his right, leaning onto Mile's arm, plastering himself onto Mile's body, while Apo opted to lay down, resting his head on Bible's lap and grabbing the youngers hand to hold.

The movie turned out to be boring, Mile ended up falling asleep first, leaning onto the youngest, softly snoring. Hearing the snore, Apo starts giggling, telling the younger how Mile is such an old man, teasing Mile as the older sleeps, though in the span of 10 minutes, Apo follows Mile into dreamland.

Bible huffs a laugh as he realizes that Apo has also fallen asleep, he shifts his body, trying to move closer to Mile (even though their sides are already touching) before then bringing his hand to Apo's hair, running his fingers on his boyfriend's soft locks.

Bible stares back to the TV, the mind slowly flying away, he recalls back moments of him and his boyfriends, from dates, touches, rides, and kisses. God, Bible loves their kisses. He can't explain what is it with Mile and Apo's kisses, but every time they kiss him, he can feel the love and emotions from it, legs automatically go weak from it.

A thing that both Mile and Apo love to do the most is to kiss Bible's hands, it doesn't matter where they are, it feels just so natural for them to do it. When the two first did Bible ended up a blushing stuttering mess, not knowing what to do, and ended up saying thank you to the two older.

Mile and Apo end up in a laughing mess at the adorable response of Bible and the two do it again and again to see Bible blush. As Bible gets used to the hand kisses (kinda), he realized that there's a distinct difference, when they do it.

Mile loves to link hands with him and kiss the back of his hands, he would usually do it while driving, during dinner, or just when they are cuddling. While Apo would mostly kiss the palm of his hands if they were sitting together, Apo would just grab Bible's hand and rest them on his cheeks, covering it with his own hands, and as time passed, Apo would start kissing his palm.

Besides kissing his hands, they love kissing his cheeks, claiming that it's soft and fluffy and that they can't help but kiss it. Again, each kiss with Mile and Apo has its differences and for this one, it's just so adorable.

Mile is gentle when it comes to kissing his cheeks, he usually starts by nuzzling his nose on Bible's cheeks, holding the younger face so he can't escape, before pressing his lips onto the soft cheeks. He likes to hold onto his position, sniffing the cheeks, before pecking again and again over again, and if Mile feels that Bible is exceptionally cute on that, then he'd do that while hugging the younger tight, to the point Bible would struggle to escape.

Now with Apo, he would be a lot rougher when it comes to cheek kisses, it doesn't take too long for Bible to realize that Apo has a thing with his cheeks, he then finds out that Apo has always wanted to poke or kiss his cheeks, finding it looking fluffy. When Apo kisses his cheeks though, he gives long pecks before then (always) ending it by biting it, saying that he can't resist.

Another kiss that they seem to love to do is kissing his head, the two would do this while they're doing something or just wanting to remind Bible that he's their precious little boyfriend. With a forehead kiss, Bible would sometimes feel overwhelmed at the amount of love he feels over the two, and it would always end up with Bible in either Mile or Apo's lap, clinging onto the older and telling them how much he loves them.

Now with Bible's favorite, kisses on the lips, he always feels as if his breath is taken away when a pair of lips of Mile or Apo pressed against his, melting onto the older's arms as he opens up for them. Every kiss would always leave him breathless and flushed.

Kissing Apo is like eating a candy, sweet. The older is always gentle when he presses his lips against his, placing soft pecks before gently nipping Bible's lips, a sign for Bible to part his lips for the older. The way Apo kisses him always makes him crave more, and it always ends up with Bible asking for another kiss.

With Mile though, it's like a drug. From the moment Mile's lips pressed against his, Bible could feel himself get dizzy. The older would kiss him firmly, but most of the time he'd be kissing him as if the world was ending. Bible would always get weak in the knees when he kissed Mile, the way Mile kisses him hard and the way his tongue slithers into his, all Bible could do is take, and take, and take. Kissing Mile would always leave him whimpering for more.

A particular snore snaps Bible out of his daze, the TV shows that the movie they watch is done, now rolling its credits. Bible looks down at Apo, poking the older's cheeks before caressing it, moving his fingers from Apo's cheeks to forehead, eyes, nose, and lips.

Bible then looks at Mile, seeing that the older has lolled his head to the back of the sofa, Bible took a while to stare at him, before then shifting a bit, nuzzling his head under Mile's crook. He stayed there for a while, running his fingers through Apo's hair, before then gently shaking them awake.

"Phi Po~~ Phi Mai~~ Let's go to bed"

"Hmm" "Hng..."

Mile and Apo groggily wake up, Bible gently helps the both of them get to bed, guiding Apo first before going back to Mile. Once they are in bed, Bible settles himself in the middle of his two boyfriends, grabbing each of their arms to lay across his body.

"I love you, Phi Mai"

"Mhm, Phi loves you too Baby"

"I love you, Phi Po"

"Hmm, Phi loves Bible too na"

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