Chapter 4: Ashton

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~Ashton above~

April 9, 1605

One of my advisors said I should start writing things down. I don't see why but apparently it's because of my "attitude" lately. Idiotic. I've been the same as always. Well any who supposedly if I write down my "feelings" and such, I'll feel better and be happier. After all I've had to deal with you'd think I'd have a perfect excuse to be a bit grumpy at times.

First off, I'm not a big sap like everyone says I am or at least was. Just because I'm king of Heaven doesn't mean anything, hell it doesn't even seem like I have a say around here. Every rule I wish I could change is still in play because of the damn council. They won't let me fix anything. We are losing angels everyday because of them. Who cares if a few of them fell for a creature that isn't an angel. Who cares if they fell for someone of the same gender it's none of my business, they can love whoever they want. I don't even follow the rules in place and I'm the king! If things don't change I'll find a way to change them myself. Without anyone's help. They aren't going to change Heaven just because my dad isn't around anymore. I'm king and they better listen.

I should really be talking more proper than this. My vocabulary has become horrendous lately. You would assume I was on some sort of drug at this point. I was never like this before. I don't understand what happened. Could it really be that I haven't had the chance to do everything I want to? Possibly. I guess that'll have to change as well.

I've been doing research on Hell's king recently and unfortunately it's hard to find anything. It's not like we keep much on other realms except for the overworld anyways, but I had hoped I was wrong. I've never even seen the man in person. We haven't had a war in over a millennium. That is the case for now. I'm planning an attack eventually, but I have to wait till our forces are prepared for it.

Well I know this is short but I'm getting a call. It must be important since nobody ever actually calls. I shall return when I see fit and hopefully with actual news.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2015 ⏰

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