Chapter 1: Killing with Suffice

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Three hundred years ago, it was considered a year of true horror and terror, In the town of Whiteland where constant murderers have occurred. More than a thousand people lost their lives, not from a war, not from a disease, but from one person, "The No Man's Face". He or she, nobody knows what the hell is this person, nobody has ever seen his or hers face, or if it is a person, this so called monster is the true embodiment of death, people who encountered this maniac never came out alive, it is said if perhaps you get a glimpse of their face you will subtly die from getting your heart ripped from your chest, it spread terror within the citizens, everything went into ruins, but luckily brave heroes, came forward to end the reign of nightmare. They manage to slay the monster, freeing the country from the chain of fear. Years came by, now the story became a folk tale, nobody knows if the story is considered real, since through times there weren't any precise records that could hold this belief and is used as a story to keep children from doing misdeeds. Before it was forgotten but Nowadays the event resurfaced after several murders took place, in some countries, and now it's aiming to the city of Heathcliff.

September 4th, 2012
The name is Michael Edward Samson, and I have worked in the detective agency in the city of Heathcliff for the last ten years. My office is pretty much well hidden, mostly in an alleyway, but the officers knew exactly where I was. at, do to our close association, in the years when the cases weren't this bloody, they were mostly about thieves, hackers, or fugitives, but this one was the most... Extreme per se, because this case complicated all of us, including myself.
Before I was with my wife Brooke Forest for a small vacation until I received a call from the station where they gave me an intriguing case, much to my wife's dismay

We came back and prepared for the case, usually I work alone or with my wife but this time I was aided by three newly recruits James, Bertrand and Conrad.

Right now both James and Bertrand are is not with us, Conrad told me they will be running late for some reason. I usually don't have any problems solving this type of case. This time which I already explained was complicated, not in the sense that it took a long time, but because there were extreme repercussions.

There were four murdered victims each discovered day after day, and all of the victims bodies were pretty much mutilated from the legs down, while the upper halves are still infant to identify them, like tossed inside a wood chipper and then pulled out. I visited each of their bodies before they were taken away; whoever did this must be sick in the mind. I checked their information to see if they had some sort of connection between each other, but it didn't seem to be the case. We also checked the time and place of their deaths. I couldn't bring my wife since the first sight of the victim almost lost her sense, so she stayed behind in the office analysing the autopsy.

The first victim, a lady in her forties, was found in a bathtub in her apartment. The cause of death was cyanide poisoning, but the actual place of death was in the kitchen since there was tonnes of blood on the table and in the sink. Since there was tonnes of blood on the table and in the sink, it can be presumed that she vomited blood during the time of death; there wasn't any sign of struggle.

The second victim, a male in his fifties, was found in the alley near the bar he so much loved. His death was also from cyanide poisoning; his bottom halves are completely gone; it's like they cut them in half and tossed them away. We follow the trail of blood, and apparently he was supposed to be disposed of in a wood chipper, but maybe he couldn't pull off in time since the body was dragged away and left behind in the same alley that we found. Multiple signs of struggle could be due to the poisoning having great affect, so the victim received multiple stab wounds in the abdomen.

From the autopsy, it was stated that they both died on the same day at different times; the second victim was the first to die around 2:00From the autopsy, it was stated that they both died on the same day at different times; the second victim was the first to die around 2:00 o'clock, and the first victim died around 3:30 to 4:00.
In the case of the first victim, I can assume that the killer couldn't dispose of the body in time since she was placed in the bathroom. Evidently, there was indeed a sign of struggle since the door was broken and bits of wood were scattered inside the room. The victim wasn't involved in the struggle since she died early, and the killer was fighting with someone else when he escaped from the window.

With the second victim instead,
there bloods across the wall but apparently it wasn't the victims blood but more from the killer, since the blood didn't match, so the killer couldn't dispose the body in time because he alerted the presence of someone else and then he got attack while dragging the body away, those were the case of the first two victims.

The next one's are the most gruesome ones, a third victim was "found" in a factory, the body couldn't be identified since the body fell inside a meat grinder, but the heart torn of and it was left in a burnt state since its pitch black like charcoal, we couldn't identify the corpse until we discovered a badge around the premises, it was from officer James Stern, a cadet in between the 20s and 30s, it shocked because I knew the kid, and it was such a shame to died in the most horrifying way so I vow to catch the killer.

The fourth and final victim was instead found in a garbage disposal. This time it was a lady in her fifties, and we found her with a detached head. The cause of death wasn't decapitation but a bullet through the head since the head had a hole in it. She was supposed to be the fourth victim, but apparently she died way early, around 12:00, the time before the first two murders took place.
Four victims were all killed; one of them was an officer. I have so much data, but I need to go back to the office to connect the dots.

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