Final Chapter: And now there's Vengeance

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It's been a month since the incident; seven people were killed, four were victims, and three were officers. Those three officers were Conrad, James, and Bertrand; they weren't innocent at all.

In fact, all three of them were actually murderers, and they were the ones who killed those four people.

It turned out that Conrad attempted to kill Brooke. I finally knew the full story of what happened.

All four of the victims were associated with these three individuals; they unknowingly helped them dispose of the bodies of people they killed in the past, but once they discovered this, they all threatened the three killers to expose them if they tried to harm them. Unfortunately,  they weren't able to stop them. The four people transferred to this city to change their lives and to forget their past, until they came back to hunt them.

Bertrand killed the lady in her apartment with poison, but he was attacked by a still unknown person.

While bringing the body, he heard someone on the other side of the entrance, where he then placed the body in the bathroom to hide from it. Yet the mysterious man burst inside, destroying the door.

They both fought, but Bertrand couldn't kill him; he ran away through the window, where he then came back to his house, which was futile due to the killer finding him and dragging him to the abandoned building where the video was shot, and he was killed.

James killed the man behind the bar; he was successful in the killing but not in disposing of the body, because he then alerted someone coming, so he carried the body somewhere else, where he was ambushed by yet another mysterious man.

This time he was cut and died in a factory where the body fell into a meat grinder. And finally, the third killer, Conrad. I can't believe him; he was about to kill my wife. I can't forgive him. That's why I never pulled that trigger.

This man was the one who used the gun—the same gun that I was about to use—the same gun that killed two people. Two weeks ago, I was sitting beside my wife, who is in the hospital bed, when on TV a news story popped up stating Conrad was killed.

I should have felt sorry, but I didn't. For everybody who is asking, how can I be sure that my theory of the three officers being the actual culprit is evident? You see, in this theory, it also comes with evidence. During the investigation of the supposed murder of James, the man who fell in the meat grinder, I noticed there were cameras displayed in every part of the factory, yet when I checked every camera that was recording the scene of the crime, they were all disrupted; the only thing that was showing was a static shot.

Even so, weeks ago, I received in my mail box a letter saying "to my dear detective" with a box containing a video tape, and when I checked the video, it officially confirmed my theory; on this tape, you can see the murder scene being taken.

There he was, James the officer, whose arms were bleeding from an ambush attack. You can actually guess who caused the bleeding: none other than the man who calls himself No Man's Face. This take shows a pleading James asking for forgiveness and saying that Bertrand and Conrad were the cause of everything. The video was similar to the one with Bertrand because the mysterious man's voice was never shown, except for a text appearing on the screen written in blood, saying random and scrambled words such as fake, lies, deception, deal, kill, and murderer.

This theory I never released publicly, not even to the police, not even to my wife, because who will believe me? That mysterious man was indeed No Man's Face, which I could have denied over and over, but no. I checked on the site about this legend, and I read that No Man's Face before killed many and many people; after his death, he rose up, and for him to stay in the land of the living, he has to take the people who have committed the most distasteful sins. That's why he didn't kill me or Brooke, because a real killer would get rid of the evidence, but he didn't.
I am now standing in my room, wondering who I really am.

Someone then knocked on the door; it was Brooke. She was dressed in a more dashing and elegant dress. Because tonight we are going to eat in a fancy restaurant, I stood up and went with my wife, walking side by side with my arms around hers.
What about the case? This case has concluded, but the case of No Man's Face will remain a mystery.

Maybe he had a reason why he committed those gory acts, but I don't think I will be the one to discover it. I hope someone can resolve this because that case wasn't meant for me.

Months have passed, and no crimes have been heard of. Maybe not in this city, because that killer is still around, running and living. I don't know why, but I have a feeling we are fated to meet again, either as friends or foes. In any case, this isn't my problem at the moment, which is why for me this case is closed.

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