Chapter 3: Red Red Lie

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Me and Brooke went to Bertrand's homestay, which is in the suburbs. Bertrand lives in a detached single house, which is far away from where we are. The problem is that he said that the killer is right near his house, and the risk is that the killer may have claimed his next victim, but we had hope and tried our best.
We finally arrived; we went closer to the door in the entrance; we both pulled out our pistols, and we demanded that they let us inside. With no response, we kicked the door down with ease, but once we were inside, I can now say that we were too late. Blood scattered everywhere; each room was a disaster; it was like a hurricane visited here; everything was destroyed, yet we couldn't find anybody, neither dead nor alive, nor Bertrand nor the Killer. We checked everywhere except the garage; there was no way to enter. It was like someone was locked inside. While I was trying to open it, Brooke called me. She was in the dining room holding a letter, which she showed me, and it was apparently dedicated to me. Why was there a letter here? I opened it, and the following says:

To all the spectators watching with delight,
I'm giving you the greatest show of the night,

From zero to one is completed,
Now the next two and three are needed.

A false mask imitating their end,
A choice will be made where fate ties with a friend.

An acquaintance of little thieves is hanged, but great ones escape.
With a saying that comes in all sizes and shapes,

Oh, dear world, why must you choose this life?
I arrived, step by step, closer to the heart with an undying knife.

Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening.
Letter by letter, you decide who will be leaving.

I read it all, and it was both terrifying and confusing. I read it again to try to understand what it means. If this was dedicated to myself, then why is it here? Did the killer send it to the wrong person? Is it supposed to be me? Maybe the killer was trying to reach out to me. I guess he was trying to send me a message. While checking once again, the TV suddenly turned on by itself. The images that were showing were only static, like the old TV's; nothing showed at first. Then a red phrase appeared. It was difficult because the writing looked like it was about to malfunction. Each word kept appearing in different parts of the screen. It was written in bloody calligraphy.

Then, for a quick second, it flashed a person's face, where there was a deep black silhouette; there was no face; it was completely black. The only thing that appeared were two deep-pierced red eyes with a small pupil. I felt watched, like he could see right through me. It then slowly transitioned from static to more clear. There was a person sorted in a chair with his face covered with a paper bag, and apparently he was tied with a rope. Suddenly, the man started to talk; he was asking for help. Until the face was revealed, it was Bertrand, the officer, who called us to help him. Now he was sitting in a chair. From the looks of it, Bertrand may have tried to defend himself since his body looked like it couldn't take another hit.

Words started to appear on the screen:

Lost Deceitful. Murder
Bertrand said
"Wait, I didn't do anything, I swear."
Another text appears.
Lies. Lies. Lies. Lies

The text could be the words of the killer because Bertrand responded.
I didn't mean to do anything, I swear; I was told or else they would kill my family."

The next text that appeared was something that started to raise a lot of questions.

You Killed Us

What did he mean by us—who killed us?
Brooke then alerted me to my presence and showed me the screen. When a dark silhouette was slowly coming closer to Bertrand, a knife appeared. Bertrand was pleading for his life until it got cut off. Suddenly, a large bang happened. The sound was coming from the garage.

We couldn't enter there, and when slowly, with my gun, we were advancing, the door was opened. We went straight in, and there was nothing except the chair. There was a map with a message written in blood, saying to

"Come to this place."

It indicated to the city that it was back in our town, so we quickly followed the directions.

The place was an abandoned building. We couldn't enter through the front entrance, so we went to the back, and there was a trail of blood leading inside. We went in. I asked Brooke to stay behind, but she obliged. The room was dark; I couldn't see anything. There was light, but only in a single spot. I checked around until I spotted more blood than before. It took me to some office, where I then opened the door, and I couldn't believe my eyes.

We were too late. Bertrand's lifeless body was sitting in the same chair where he died, with his heart ripped out of his chest; it was black like James Stern's. There was another message inside his chest pocket; it was again dedicated to myself. There wasn't much to say except this:

If you read this,
The two are now dead.
Now the third is next.

I read it, and I couldn't understand it well. It reminded me of what the previous message said.

"From zero to one, the next two and three are needed.

Now this message said

"The two are now dead; now the third is next."

What does it mean?

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