The Pilot

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A/N: Most of the book will be told in first person until she starts the rebellion.

I guess this is the pilot of the series, the part where I'm supposed to introduce the main character. Before I get into the more fun scenes, you have an idea of who I am. My personality, where you can decide if you like or hate my character altogether. I'm not sure how long or short you're supposed to make these, so here it goes.

I'm Alaia Raven Lilith, I'm thirty-seven years old. I'm not much of a looker, nor could I care less. I have a bit of a round-shaped face and chubby cheeks. Not too light, not too tan, somewhere in the middle. I have craters on my face from years of battling acne. My eyes are dark brown, they almost look black. I have thin lips, on the outside there is a medium brown with a rosy tint on the inside. I'm heavy set, I have no cup when it comes to the girls. I usually prefer to wear baggy shirts, shorts or jeans, and tennis shoes. Never been a huge fan of tight-fitting clothes.

Ad got Family, I'm all alone. My family was killed when the major platforms came into power. What major platforms you may ask? The world you once knew is no more, Social Media quite literally took over our lives. Facebook became the law and medical center, and TikTok became the news. Snapchat and Instagram became the need Entertainment Tonight. We have a few others as well, they're just not as big as the others. Then you have the laws.

(I'll make more as I go)


I. Gaming is not allowed, gaming was deemed as too toxic. If you're caught gaming, you'll end up in Facebook Jail for thirty days, or canceled aka death.

II. Jokes are strictly forbidden, making jokes will result in immediate cancelation.

I guess that's the pilot chapter, I don't know what else I'm supposed to put. Unless I'm supposed to put in the start to my day, in that case I'll put that in the next chapter.

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