Chapter 2: Hidden entrance

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Another night has come. The axis of the Earth has finally turned away from the sun, starting the snow to fall outside, making the cold weather colder.

“Your sack must be light.” The sarcasm in that statement was apparent.

“Will you carry it for me then?”

Rolling her eyes, “Can’t you two get enough of this? Gosh, when will I have my peace back?” Rosie questioned.

*knock knock*

“Ladies, are you ready to leave?” Queen Lisie entered the hall, a servant behind her who was carrying a tray with three glasses of red liquid. “I brought an energizer. Drink it before you embark on your journey.” The servant handed them the goblets one by one.

“Thank you~,” The three said in unison before chugging the rarest type of blood that greatly fuels the body of a vampire for some mysterious reason.

The queen walked towards the ladies, engulfing them in a hug and kissing their heads. “You will be traveling outside my reach so please be safe.”

The three nodded and smiled, bidding their farewell before they carried their sack and left the castle.

Upon stepping outside the giant wooden entrance, “Shall we race?” Lily asked, grinning like a maniac.

“I think we should.” And before the two can say a thing, Anna was gone.

“Such a cheater!” Rosie protested but then started running. Lily followed as well.

The three ran through the forest. Leaping from one tree to another and back to the ground.

“Slowpokes!” Lily teased as she passed by Rosie and Anna. But Rosie wasn't having it. So, using her telekinesis power, she snapped a tree branch, tripping her sister. However, Lily was already back on her feet before the two could even let out a laugh. “Cheaters!”

The twenty-two-hour trip on foot was shortened to just eighteen and a half hours. And no matter what Rosie and Anna did, Lily still arrived first. What to do? She was the fastest vampire alive after all.

“What took you two so long?” Lily had this annoying grin on her face as she lay on a huge tree, using her arms as a pillow.

Sumping on the ground, Anna leaned onto the tree. She wasn't tired, she was just frustrated. “Gosh, I’m so mad.”

“Gosh~ I’m so hungry.” Rosie rubbed her stomach.

*rattle rattle*

From the tall grass, a lady emerged. Like Anna, her hair was red and she, too, had gold eyes.

“Oh, nice to finally see you three together again.” She said.

Lily hopped down the tree, embracing the new arrival. “Sharon! What are you doing here?? You didn’t attend the celebration yesterday!.. Wow~ I’ve missed you so much!”

“Oh-ah, yes, I was always out doing missions... I-I kind of got lost on my way to Sansabel Town. By the way, w-what brings you here?” Her voice was so soft that if they weren't vampires, they wouldn't have heard her.

“The shyest vampire in history has finally shown herself.” Anna joked, totally disregarding her statement.

The two stood up, hugging Sharon. “Long time no see. It’s been what? One hundred years since we last saw each other?” Rosie said. The latter nodded.

“Woah~ It has been that long? No wonder why I really missed you so much.” Lily held her hand.

“Now, now. If you are not going to marry my sister, better keep your hands to yourself.” Anna swatted Lily's hands away from her sister. Anna and Sharon's father and the king share great-great-grandparents labelling them as third cousins. And since royal blood should only marry royal blood plus the king, himself, saw how close Lily and Sharon were, he wanted them to tie the knot.

A man's voice interfered with the conversation. “Out of all places, you choose to do your reunion in the Devil's Den...” He shook his head. “They have spotted you. Quick, come with me if you don’t want to be a dead meat!”

The ladies were hesitating since they had no idea who the man was. But then, Sharon said, “Let’s go.”

They ran and ran until they reached a cornfield. Rosie, being Rosie, plucked an ear of corn.

“What are you even going to do with that?” Lily asked, knowing that vampires cannot intake any solid human food for it will be the death of them.

“Smack you with it, I guess.” She answered, slapping the corn in her hand as a teasing threat.

“This way.” The man tugged a what seemed like a woodland camo net, exposing a trapdoor underneath it.

“I will close it.” Another man suddenly appeared. He nodded, patting the newcomer on the shoulder.

The five went down the stairs. None of them were intimidated even though it was pitch black since they could still see clearly. They continued walking. The man on the lead, followed by Lily, Anna, then Sharon, and behind her was Rosie.

“Those bats are creeping the hell out of me.” Rosie held Sharon's hand. “Am I being paranoid? Or we are being watched?”

The man chuckled. “Indeed, you are.”

The four ladies' eyes squinted, suspicious of the answer he gave. “Hold on, who the heck are you? What is this place? Where are you even taking us?” Halting, the four waited for his response. “We’re not moving until you tell us.”

The man let out a chuckle once again. “You can call me Sun. We have found the King's letter stating your arrival... You see, there have been changes here lately so our clan chief has ordered me to find you. Thankfully, I did before they got to you.”

“They? Who are they?” Lily was confused. Because as far as she knew, the area was still under his father's jurisdiction so no one would come after them.

“Like I said, there have been changes here. Our chief can fill you in with whatever question you have. For now, we have to hurry.”

Understanding the situation, silence fell upon them as they started walking again.

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