Chapter 5: Tauten

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The next evening came as quickly as a flash. Everyone was gathered just waiting for the sun to set outside. The four high-ranked vampires were on the couch hanging around lingering until darkness consumed the entire sky. The three gray-eyed vampires were also there just lingering on the opposing side with a long table separating them.

Since Zaldy still needs to recover from losing a limb that she sacrificed in order to save Jessie during their escape and Sally still doesn't know how to put up a good fight, it has been decided that only Jessie will join the four to help them sneak their way in unnoticed as possible.

“Are you sure you will not consume blood before we leave?” Rosie asked Anna out of concern. “You need to satiate your hunger even just for a bit.” She was worried because according to Sharon, the latter hadn't fed since they arrived yesterday and that's bad news because the last time she drank blood was when the queen gave them one goblet back at the castle.

In no time, she will feel extremely hungry which will make her lose concentration as a result of having an overwhelming feeling of thirst. The inclusion of a starved vampire in any mission was a big no-no because hunger equals fragility, and being fragile always results in severe injury or worse, death because those criminal vampires will show no mercy on anyone. Don't even mention the things they would do to a weak royal they'll lay their hands on.

“You know I won’t be satisfied with that.” Anna pointed to the few remaining bottles sitting on the table since almost everyone in that room had already quenched their thirst. “I will just go crazy thinking about blood if I drink that and don’t get the fulfillment I want. Don’t worry about me, I will be fine.”

“You will be fine, my ass. Here drink my blood.” The princess displayed her neck which was enticing to all the vampires, especially to the hungry one.

In an instant, Anna's eyes blazed with desire to feed, her fangs revealing themselves as her heart and mind debated. Her heart said 'no' but her mind was telling her to 'suck it'. And what's amazing was in the process of fighting against her own thoughts, she still managed to say, “S-stop me.”

Her sister pushed her so forcefully she flew hitting the rocky wall, making a crack in it before immediately pinning her onto it, stopping those fangs from latching on Lily's neck. It transpired so fast that if normal humans were watching, they would never know what happened.

“Lily! You rascal!” Rosie scolded, covering her sister's neck with a black flimsy fabric before slapping her arm.

Anna closed her eyes, composing herself. “Sorry.” If control was a person, it would still be her because her self-control was at the next level. “I’m okay now. You can let go.” She looked at Sharon, patting her shoulder.

Sharon removed her grip on her sister, assisting her down before she took a step back, still not saying a word. What a reliable sister.

“Dang it! We need both of your strength.” Rosie wanted to offer herself because losing some blood was never a problem. However, it would weaken a vampire's body for a day and it was not the right time to be unstable. She needed her full strength to protect her sister if something went wrong.

“You can drink mine if you want.” The tall slender beauty offered.

“Sally, are you sure?”

Sally nodded, “Yes, I’m sure. I won’t be joining you since I’m still doing my training to control my power. So please, this is all I can do for Jane.”

“Thank you.” Rosie and Lily said in unison. “You are a lifesaver.”

“This way,” Sally told Anna to follow her, leaving the others behind.

On the other side of the dark narrow corridor, there was a small room with just a bed inside. “Come on in.” She sat on the bed, flipping her hair to one side, exposing her neck. “Please suit yourse--” She shut her eyes as she felt Anna's fangs sink on her skin. It was painful yet so titillating.

The redhead sucked on her, appeasing her hunger. For a strange reason, in not less than two minutes, she was already satisfied. It was a first for her. She usually sucks on vampires for a good five minutes or completely drains two human bodies before getting the feeling of satisfaction but this one was a different story— she was a different story.

Removing her fangs from her neck, she stayed close, sniffing her scent. “Tell me... what did you do to me?”

The two stared at each other. Their eyes both burned with fervor. They felt like they wanted to lunge at one another, strip what could be stripped, and do things they were not supposed to do.

‘What is this?’ They both thought to themselves.

Swallowing, Sally distanced herself from the redhead with such an alluring gold eyes. “If you’re full, we should go back.” She stood up in the hope of leaving the place she'd make a mistake that would cost her, her life, but Anna pulled her arm, stopping her from taking another step.

Their eyes met once again bringing the tension back. What was this tension? Was it sexual tension? They were not sure. All they knew was that they were feeling so many emotions they couldn't explain. It was like they had been yearning for each other for a long period of time even though it was the first time they had met. “... Uhm, t-thank you.” The most seductive vampire in history who can compel anyone to her bidding anytime she wants to has finally lost her words.

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