Chapter 4: Destiny's game

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“Poor matriarch...” The matriarch and patriarch were individuals who earned respect and gained the wisdom to enrich the whole clan. Vampires that were not part of royals, councils, and primevals were considered ordinary and incapable. Therefore, without either a patriarch, a matriarch, or both, a clan will be considered destitute and will be condemned to death as no one rightful will keep them under control.

“Rosie,” Lily placed a hand on her shoulder, disturbing her in her trance. “... are you okay?”

“Ah, ye-yeah.” She faced her sister since something was bothering her, but before she could say anything, Anna and Sharon appeared.

Anna tossed one bottle to Rosie and one at Lily before she threw herself on the couch, “Do you guys know how small the world really is?” She inquired. “Sharon is coming with us after all.”

Rosie drank the bottle's contents before she asked, “What do you mean? I thought she needed to leave because she has a mission to finish?”

“Yes, she’s going to Sansabel Town, right?” The two nodded since that's what they remembered her saying. “Well, good thing she got lost on her way there and bumped into us because, guess what, Valiant is in Sansabel Town. Small world, isn’t it?”

“Sansabel Town? Their land is Sansabel?! Wait, what are you even supposed to do there anyway?” Lily was curious because the town had been marked as the most peaceful town for over ten decades, well, that's if she was not mistaken, so there was no reason to go there.

Sharon flinched. The trouble on her face was evident in which she was trying her best to hide. What was her mission? The three wanted to know so Anna pressed hard on the matter, “Who are you supposed to capture? Or wait, do you need to kill it? C’mon, tell us. You know, it’s not illegal to share your objective. Also, we might be able to assist you. Isn’t that a win-win?”

“S-sorry, I cannot disclose any information...” It was the first time she refused to answer them and the three immediately understood that it was a confidential task that came from either the primeval or the king himself so just like that they let it slide.

“Okay, okay. What’s our plan?”

“The plan is simple. Tomorrow, we will infiltrate the town. We will slay them all and save the pancrea.”

“Matriarch.” Rosie corrected, shaking her head.

“Yeah, that.” Lily pointed a finger at her. “I mean yeah, her.”


“Excuse me, may I disturb you?”

The four looked at the lady standing at the passageway. “Sure, Jessie. What is it? Is there anything we can help you with?” The one who spoke gained a 'that's suspicious, you'll explain later' glance from the others.

The look in Jessie's eyes was nothing but sadness, regret, and pain. “Valiant killed my father right before my eyes. If it wasn’t for Zaldy and Sun, I, too, would be dead...” Her voice cracked. Tears started pouring down her cheeks. “I-I was there but all I could do was run as they hit her one after the other... It should have been me... I should be the one suffering, not her...” She knelt. Her hands clasped together. “I beg of you, please help me save her... Save my younger sister.”

Something hit Rosie. She understood how she felt. She, too, wouldn't be able to bear it if something happened to her sister. That's the very reason why she was standing beside her at this very moment. But was she just sympathizing? Or there's something else?

“If I may ask, what’s the name of your younger sister?” Anna interviewed.

“Jane... Her name is Jane.”

With a furrowed brows, Lily uttered, “Jane?”

Running away from the servants, Lily stopped in front of a huge tall tree. Once she made sure that no one followed her, she pulled a string making a rope ladder appear. She climbed up to where her treehouse was built. It was a little bit far from the castle that's why the queen doesn't allow her to go there, but she was a hardheaded kid.

Upon entering the treehouse, Lily noticed someone. Poking the kid who was sleeping inside her treehouse, "Who are you? What are you doing here?" she interrogated. "Hey~ I’m talking to you. Wake up!"

The kid woke up, rubbing her oh-so-blue eyes. However, when she realized that a stranger was in front of her, she unconsciously gave it a hard slap. "GO AWAY!"

Holding her aching cheek, Lily was about to cry but her sister's voice telling her not to be a crybaby and to be brave if she got hurt echoed in her ears. "Y-you are in my house. You go away!" She fought back.

"I said go away!"

Lily argued with the kid until she cried. "I-I’m sorry." She said, cutely. "Please don’t cry."

Wiping her eyes, the kid said, "You made me cry."

"I said I’m sorry." Lily pouted then she remembered the thing she picked earlier so she reached into her pocket, "Here, you can take this." handing the four-leaf clover to the kid.

"Thank you." The kid received it gladly.

"I am Lily. What is your name?"

"Jane... My name is Jane."

*end of flashback*
The princess burst her bubble, repeatedly telling herself that there was no way it was the same person. It was a long time ago and after many months of bonding with her she never saw that kid ever again. “... You don’t need to beg. My mission is to capture Valiant and if I do it successfully then you can save your sister, yourself.”

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