A Game of Thrones - part 3

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You followed Joffrey and Sandor into the castle, feeling nervous and curious at the same time. You wondered what kind of place this was, and how you ended up here. You also wondered what Joffrey wanted to talk to you about, and whether he would be friendly or hostile. You hoped he wouldn't find out that you were from a different world, and that you had no idea about the politics and history of Westeros.

As you walked through the corridors, you noticed that the castle was grand and luxurious, but also dark and gloomy. You saw many guards and servants, but they all looked grim and tense. You heard whispers and murmurs, but they all sounded fearful and suspicious. You felt like you were in a prison, not a palace.

You also noticed that Joffrey was not well-liked by the people here. Some of them glared at him with hatred, others avoided him with disgust. You wondered why he was so unpopular, and what he had done to earn such contempt. You guessed that he was not a good king, and that he had many enemies.

You reached a large hall, where Joffrey led you to a long table. He gestured for you to sit down, while Sandor stood behind him. He looked at you with a smug smile, as if he was enjoying your confusion.

"Welcome to the Red Keep, my guests," he said. "I hope you are comfortable here. I have prepared some wine and food for you. Please, help yourselves."

He poured some wine into a goblet and handed it to Kirk. Kirk took it hesitantly, wondering if it was poisoned. He sniffed it cautiously, then took a small sip. It tasted bitter and sour.

"Thank you, your grace," Kirk said politely. "We appreciate your hospitality."

Joffrey nodded, then turned to Scotty.

"And you are?" he asked.

"I'm Montgomery Scott, sir," Scotty said nervously. "I'm an engineer."

"An engineer? What does that mean?" Joffrey asked.

"It means I work with machines and technology, your grace," Scotty explained.

"Machines and technology? What kind of machines and technology?" Joffrey asked.

"Well, uh... things like computers and engines and... transporters," Scotty said.

"Computers? Engines? Transporters? What are those?" Joffrey asked.

Scotty realized that he had said too much. He looked at Kirk for help, but Kirk shrugged.

"They are... devices that we use in our world, your grace," Scotty said vaguely.

"Your world? What do you mean by that?" Joffrey asked.

Scotty gulped. He knew he had to lie.

"We mean... our country, your grace," Scotty said quickly. "We come from a faraway land...like, pretty far away from here..."

"Really? And what is the name of this land?" Joffrey asked.

Scotty panicked. He tried to think of a name that sounded plausible.

"It's called... Starfleetia, your grace," Scotty said.

"Starfleetia? I've never heard of such a place," Joffrey said.

"It's very small and isolated, your grace," Scotty said.

"I see. And how did you come here?" Joffrey asked.

"We came by... ship, your grace," Scotty said.

"A ship? What kind of ship?" Joffrey asked.

"A... sailing ship, your grace," Scotty said.

"A sailing ship? How long did it take you to get here?" Joffrey asked.

Scotty was running out of lies.

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