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I'll stay up tonight.

Winnie saw the new message pop up as she sat beside her mother's hospital bed. It was a cramped space with barely room for the plastic chair that she occupied. A thin blue curtain was the only thing separating them from the rush of the busy corridor beyond it. The pointless thing ended a foot shy off the ground, revealing the shoes of people darting by.

She decided to ignore the text. Her mixed feelings on Timothy needed some thought, and all efforts were reserved to her mother right now.

The doctor brushed past the curtain, entering the room. He'd taken x-rays and performed an ultrasound on her mother when she'd arrived.

"She's looking a bit better now," he concluded. She looked the same to Winnie, who'd gotten there twenty or so minutes ago. She didn't want to think about her mother's state upon arrival. "The x-rays are showing us some signs of worry. Would you like to see them?"

Winnie nodded and stood.

"Right this way," the doctor lead her beyond the curtain and down the hall. They entered a narrow room. Winnie immediately saw the illuminated x-rays to the left on the wall.

They captured her pelvis up to her chest, across several pieces of film.

"Here is the original tumor," the doctor pointed. "We brought up her last pelvic x-ray to compare."

Winnie eyed the two sheets. She didn't need the doctor to say anything else for her to know that this was bad. The tumor had doubled in size.

As the rest of the x-rays had were explained by the doctor, Winnie grew nauseous. She wanted to get out of the dim, cramped room.

When he did finally finish, Winnie muttered a thank you and left the room.

On the walk back through the corridor, she pulled out her phone.

I need a few days alone please.

Texts From Him || Timothée ChalametWhere stories live. Discover now