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"Thank you, Viv, for helping me out with my wedding. It means a lot."

"Of course, Hannah. I'm happy to be here."

For the record, that was a lie.

"And.." She sighed. "I know how much Liam meant to you..."

My heart turned to stone and plunged into my stomach the second mentioned his name.

"Oh, Liam? Psh, "I flicked my hand. "I got over him a long time ago. I'm actually happy you're getting married to him. Really."
I was not over Liam. I never was. It's been six years and nothing has changed. Hannah got the one guy I've dreamt about for years. She got my first love. She got my everything. I wasn't surprised that Liam chose her. Brutally hurt of course, but not the least bit surprised.

By: lifelinegirls

Status: Completed
5/5 ⭐️

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