Chapter 1: Schools out early

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People say that I'm irrational, that I'm impulsive, that I don't think before I act, those kinds of things. And you know what? They're right. But not for the reasons you might think. Now, did I want to put a massive crater in the middle of my school's courtyard? No, I didn't.

Now you might be thinking, "Holy crap! This kid can put craters into the ground?! So cool!!" If I was you, I'd probably be thinking that, too. But trust me when I say, being somebody like me isn't fun and games. I'm what you'd call a half-blood, or demigod if you prefer. That just means that one of my parents is mortal, and the other is a god. In my case, my father is the god.

You'll find out who soon enough. But I'm not the one with secrets here, my mom is. For now, though, continue pondering things. You'll find out all the things you need to know about me soon, but for now, goodbye!

"Levi! Wait up!" Josh yelled, running down the hall towards me.

"Hurry dude! The bells about to-" I started to say 'the bell was about to ring' right as it rang. This is the third tardy this week! I thought to myself. Having ADHD and Autism makes it really hard to manage time.

"Sorry dude," Josh said in between breaths.

"Come on," I said between breaths as well, "before Mrs. Stewart yells at us AGAIN!"

Josh and I go to this boarding school in upper east-side Manhattan. I met Josh on the first day of school. His hair is spiky brown, almost like tree spikes. Josh and I have been friends ever since we met. A few times I've asked why he wanted to be my friend, and the only answer he keeps giving me is "Because I kind of have to stay near you; with you being, well, you, Levi." which confuses me every single time.

We were running down the hall when I suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of my head. I fell onto the floor clutching my head, holding in tears. It felt like a thousand sharp objects were being thrown at my head all at once, over and over again.

"Levi? Levi!" I heard Josh yelling as I was coming to. I couldn't stand up properly, so Josh sat on the floor with me.

"Dude are you okay?! You just collapsed on the floor and wouldn't wake up for like 5 minutes!" He said as he sat down, his face flushed.

"I was out for 5 minutes?!" I yelled back. It felt like I was only out for a few seconds.

"Levi? Can you stand now?" Josh asked me after a few minutes, standing up himself. I still had some pain in the back of my head, but I managed to stand up without falling over.

"Come on," Josh said, "Let's go see the-" he was about to finish his sentence when we heard a bloodcurdling scream come from down the hall. "Di Immortales! What was that?!" Josh yelled. I had no clue what he meant by "di immortales" or something, but I didn't worry about that. Before I knew it Josh was halfway down the hall, and I tried to catch up behind. I didn't run as quickly to catch up with him, since I didn't know what would happen after what had just happened in the hallway.

When I met Josh at the door of the classroom he ran into, there were things in there that I didn't even know how to describe. There was a mastiff about as big as a semi-truck sniffing around the classroom, a guy in an aviator jacket and skeleton t-shirt walking around, and a cute blonde guy helping a wounded kid in the corner. When the guy in the aviator's jacket saw us at the door, he approached Josh.

"Joshua," he said, his voice sounding a lot deeper than I had planned on hearing, "we had to make a stop. One of the demigods we found got injured and this was the closest we could shadow-travel with Mrs. O'leary that was near camp," he said pointing to the injured kid in the corner. "Oh, uh, there are also 2 griffins currently outside. Leo is trying, but you should probably go help him. Bring him," he pointed at me, "maybe he'll get claimed while you guys are fighting." he finished, pulling out a sword.

"Alright, Nico. Come on, Levi." Josh said, taking off his jacket. 

"Wait-what are we doing?! Where-" I started to say when the kid Josh called 'Nico' interrupted me.

"Here," he handed me his sword, "Use this for now. Hopefully, you got some magical gifts from your parent. Until then, follow Leo's lead. He'll be the one throwing fireballs and stuff." He said, handing me the sword. I was so scared I blacked out for a second.

"Levi!" Josh yelled at me, getting me to snap out of it.

"S-sorry," I said, sitting back up, "I black out sometimes," I told Nico.

"Hmm," Nico said, thinking for a second, "no worries. You two go outside and help now. Joshua, keep him safe." Nico said, looking as scary as my foster dad.

"No problem, sir. Levi, let's go help Leo." Josh said, turning around.

"Wait, Mr. Nico," I asked before walking out, "who's the cute blonde guy in the corner? He hasn't come over here at all."

"Well, kid, that 'cute blonde guy' is my boyfriend, Will Solace. He's the medic at camp. He came along in case some kids got injured. He is currently helping one of his younger siblings with an injury." He said with the straightest face I've ever seen.

I was so embarrassed for calling his boyfriend cute that I immediately apologized. "Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't know he was your boyfriend I shouldn't have called him that-" I started ranting on an apology when Nico stopped me.

"It's fine, kid. Most people say that when they first see him. Now get going!" He said, pushing us out the hole they made in the wall.

"Wait! I don't-" I started to say until I got cut off by the sound of screeching griffons and a screaming kid. I didn't know what to do. My body went into flight, fight, or freeze mode. I ended up freezing with a sword in my hand. My vision went black, and my body heat suddenly dropped. I didn't know what was happening. This time was different than all of my other panic attacks. It felt as if my body were shutting down. I felt my heart rate slowing down, almost like I was dying. Next thing I knew I was standing in a crater about ½ a mile in diameter. 

Levi Spence: legacy of the Gods(prewrite)Where stories live. Discover now