Chapter 2: Magic gifts really do come in handy

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I had no clue what had created the crater, I just knew that it had made the griffons stop attacking since they collapsed on the ground. I looked around as the smoke and dust cleared and saw everybody staring at me.

"Uh-what happened?!" Josh asked, running towards me.

"I-I don't know-I don't remember. .." I said. Technically I was telling the truth, I just left a few things out. 

"Kid, what did you do!? HOW did you do that to be more precise?!" Nico said, running up with his boyfriend behind him.

"I don't know! All I can remember is my vision going dark and my body going numb and shutting off!" I started hyperventilating. God, I hate when people keep asking me questions, I thought.

"Woah, kid, take it easy." The blonde guy said, walking up to me. I was sitting on the ground trying to calm my nerves. "We'll find out what happened, but for right now let's get you to camp. We have more supplies there than what we have now. Nico, Joshua, make sure Mary Anne is all right to shadow travel, then we'll get going." He said while looking at me, checking if I was injured.

I didn't want to get up, this spot was surprisingly comforting. It took all three of them to get me to move.

"Oh, did I forget to mention that Levi is autistic..? That might have helped us earlier-" Josh said, looking down at the ground.

"Gods.. You're right, but we can't worry about that now. Will, get Mary Anne and Levi on Mrs. O'leary and get ready to leave." Nico said, picking his sword up out of the crater.

Will, the blonde guy, walked me and the girl from the corner over the the huge mastiff. "Mary Anne, you first," Will said to the girl. She looked a lot like Will, almost like siblings. She patted the mastiff on the side and it immediately laid down. She started climbing up the side of the mastiff, which looked dangerous. She got up onto its back fairly quickly, then she looked at me and smiled. She was pretty for someone who looked no older than 10.

"OK," Will said, holding me back for a second, "Before you get on, here's what you need to know. Don't kick Mrs. O'leary, don't hit Mrs. O'leary. Don't hit the person sitting in front or behind you, and don't jump off of her mid-travel." Will said, packing up his medkit.

"Ok, um, how exactly do I get on?" I said looking between Will and the mastiff. Will was about to say something when we heard a loud bang.

Will and I ran outside to see what was going on when we saw an unconscious Leo, the griffons back up in the air, and a whole lot of dead guys. This time I didn't black out of the fight, instead my mind went racing. I don't know how, but I had started imagining a few different ways to finish this fight. I ran up to Nico and stole his sword from him.

"Hey!" He yelled while summoning more dead people. It was an impulsive decision, but I somehow knew it could work. I ran towards the griffons and lifted the sword above my head, which by this point had started to catch fire.

It's all working, just like you thought young hero, a voice said in my head. I didn't know who it was, but at this point, I didn't care. I brought the sword down towards the ground as hard as I could right under the griffons. Now everyone knows how I made a crater in the ground earlier, I thought to myself. This is what I didn't tell them: I remembered exactly how it happened.

Once the sword slammed into the earth, the ground erupted. The griffons exploded into gold dust clouds. Rocks, bones, and dead guys were flying everywhere. Afterward, I ended up collapsing. For the next few hours, everything was blurry. All I can remember is Will carrying Leo and me to the mastiff, Nico saying something, and darkness. I woke up the next day in the infirmary.

I saw kids staring through the door at me, a girl with green hair yelling at them every few minutes to get out, and Will running around to different medic beds. I tried to sit up but I had that sharp pain in the back of my head again, so I laid back down, trying to calm the pain. I opened my eyes again to see Will and a girl that I didn't recognize standing over me talking.

"Is he the one she meant?" the brown girl asked. 

"I'm pretty sure. 'Legacy's child should soon show', and with what he did back in Manhattan, I'm pretty sure he's the legacy that she was talking about," Will answered, checking my blood pressure.

They both didn't realize I was listening until Will tried to check my temperature and saw my eyes open.

"Holy Hades kid! How long have you been awake?!" Will asked, jumping back a little bit.

"Um, probably about 10 minutes or so," I said, trying to sit up again.

"Woah, kid. You have a few fractures in your back from falling in the crater. Oh! By the way, Hazel, this is Levi- I just realized that I don't know your last name," Will said.

"Uh, my last name is Spence. Levi Spence, nice to meet you," I said to her, trying to hold my hand up for a handshake but I could barely move my arm without it hurting. 

"Spence?" Hazel said, looking confused. "That's a strange last name."

"Anyways; Hazel, Levi. Levi, Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto." Will said, looking between both of us. "Anyways, I have to go check on Nico. Him shadow-traveling twice in an hour isn't good for him. You guys talk and have fun!" Will said running out of the infirmary.

"So, um, daughter of Pluto? Isn't he the Roman god of riches and earth?" I asked Hazel.

"Oh yeah. I'm from Camp Jupiter in California. That's the Roman camp, I'm just visiting my brother here." She said, sitting on one side of my hospital bed. She had a very pretty southern accent that sounded very similar to my mother's.

"Um, if you dont mind me asking, what did you and Will mean by 'the one'?" I asked.

"Oh, um.." she said hesitantly, "I can't tell you right now," She said, looking at the ground, "If you're better by dinner, Chiron may tell you. You got claimed by Pluto while you were unconscious, by the way, so you'll sit with Nico and me at the dining pavilion for right now." She said with a smile. 

Levi Spence: legacy of the Gods(prewrite)Where stories live. Discover now