Chapter 3: I got claimed 4 more times

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A few hours later, Will discharged me from the infirmary. Hazel then volunteered to show me around camp. She showed me the volleyball court, the canoe lake, the dining pavilion, the fighting arena, and the cabins. "Over the years," she started, "more and more cabins have been built. Percy and Jason were the ones who started it, before-" She stopped for a second, looking very sad. "We've been building them in Jason's honor ever since. Nico, Will, Leo, and Harvey are the main ones building and designing all of the new cabins. For now, there are about 70. Come on, I'll show you cabin 13." She finished, smiling faintly.

The cabin she took me to was dark and made out of what looked like obsidian. It had a symbol on the doorframe that Hazel had on her forearm. "This is the Hades cabin, number 13," she said, slightly enthusiastic. "Nico is probably sleeping, so we'll have to be quiet while we walk in," she said, opening the door. Inside was a lot lighter than I'd imagined. There were shining crystals everywhere. These little black puffball creatures were running around, and they looked adorable. I accidentally ran into a bedpost while walking in, and heard a quiet 'get out' from the bed.

"Nico, sweetheart, come formally meet your brother," Hazel said, tidying up the place.

"No, let me sleep," Nico said, pulling the covers even more over his head.

"Nicholas Alexander di Angelo, get out of bed and talk to your younger brother!" Hazel yelled, throwing a small crystal at him.

"Fine! Ugh, you're lucky you're my sister." Nico said, slowly getting out of bed. "Hey, kid," he said groggily, "Nico di Angelo, son of Hades. Welcome to cabin 13, we have very few rules here. Don't add to the population, don't subtract from the population. Don't end up on TV, in the newspaper, or jail. If you wind up in jail establish dominance quickly. I'm going back to bed, wake me up-" Before he could finish a conch horn blew. "Gods dammit. Come on, kid, time for dinner."

It didn't take very long to walk to the dining pavilion. There were about 70 tables, some with a whole bunch of kids, and others had only one or two kids. Nico and Hazel sat down at a table with the same symbol as the doorway of cabin 13 carved into the stone. Before I could sit down, a kid, probably about 19, ran up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder.

"Hey! You're the kid who helped with the griffons right?" He was saying, jumping up and down like he was running on a motor. "I thought so. Just wanted to say-" he stopped mid-sentence and looked up above my head.

"What's wrong?" I asked, kind of scared.

"You just got claimed...again?" Nico said confused, "That can't happen- Right, Chiron?" Nico said, looking between me and the other side of the pavilion. A man with his bottom half a white stallion, who I presumed was Chiron, walked over and looked me up and down.

"Follow me, child." He said, turning around towards the big house. As I was following him, I saw more light shine above my head. Some blonde kids from another table looked at me with fear in their eyes. Other kids started looking at me with hatred and fear.

"Child, welcome to camp half-blood," Chiron started, "I am Chiron, camp director. Come, we must chat with Mr. D." Chiron said, walking onto the front porch.  

"Um, am I in trouble?" I asked, scared out of my mind.

"Oh, no child, at least not with us. We simply just need to discuss..things." He said, his face looking slightly pale.

"Chiron, is he here?" a man asked inside the house.

"Yes, Mr. D, you can come out now," Chiron said, now sitting in a wheelchair. How he fit a whole horse inside of a little wheelchair, I had no clue.

A chubby man in a jaguar-printed Hawaiian shirt and pitch-black hair came walking out of the house. He looked a lot like the drunkards in my neighborhood back in Colorado.

"Levi, meet Mr. D," Chiron said.

"Ugh, let's get this over with," Mr. D. said half-heartedly. "Kid, you should be dead. So, before the big man can do it himself, I might as well-"

"We are not murdering campers, Dionysus," Chiron interjected

"But if Hera-I mean 'her high- ness'-" he said sarcastically, "gets a hold of him, the whole camp will get murdered! I have kids here that I don't want dead!" He yelled, slamming his chalice down on the table, spilling his drink.

"I understand," Chiron said, "But for right now we need to explain to him why he is so important. Levi, do you know why everyone was staring at you at the pavilion?" Chiron asked seriously as he turned to me.

"Uh, because I had gotten claimed a second time, right?" I guessed. "Hazel said that I had been claimed by Pluto while I was unconscious, and so getting claimed a second time was bad," I said. "At least, that was implied."

"Yes...and no," Chiron said dejectedly, "You did get claimed, yes, but not just a second time. You have been claimed 4 times, including by Hades, since you arrived at camp. YOU are the legacy we've been looking for. You, young hero, are the legacy of the gods." Chiron said, with a scared, yet stern look on his face.

I didn't know exactly what a legacy meant, but I was guessing that it meant a descendant.

"So, who claimed me?" I asked, "Just wondering." I said, sitting down across from Chiron.

"At the pavilion, you were claimed by Hephaestus, god of forgery and fire. While we were walking towards the big house here you were claimed by two others: Athena and Bellona; Athena being the Greek goddess of war and wisdom, and Bellona being the Roman goddess of war." He said, writing something down in a language that I didn't know. "Tomorrow, we will gather the camp and discuss Rachel's prophecy. Until then, rest up young hero. You may stay in the Hades cabin tonight. Tomorrow, you start your quest." Chiron said, motioning to the door.

I walked towards the front door, but before I could walk out, I felt a warm glow above my head. I looked up and saw a lyre. 

"Well, young hero, I guess that makes it five," Chiron said half-heartedly. "You've just been claimed by Apollo, god of music and poetry."

I nodded, and walked out of the big house. As I walked out, I noticed that the sun had officially set. I didn't know why, but for the first time today, I felt a sense of comfort from the darkness. As I walked towards the Hades cabin, every other cabin was pitch black except for the Apollo cabin, which was glowing just as bright as the sun. I walked into the Hades cabin and flopped onto the bed. For the first time in almost 6 years, I had a good night's sleep. 

Levi Spence: legacy of the Gods(prewrite)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt