Chapter 4: My quest officially begins

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I was used to lucid dreaming, but none were as vibrant and life-like as this one. I was standing in a black corridor, which looked vaguely familiar. I decided to walk down the corridor, trying to find a way out. After a few steps, the dream shifted. I was standing in my old home in Colorado. No, no, no! Not this again please! I tried to say, but I couldn't get a sound out. I watched my parents bedroom door open, the figure standing there. The same one that had bashed me in the head making sure I wouldn't disturb what they planned to do. 

I watched as they pulled the weapon out of its holder and held it above my parent's bed. I watched as 7-year-old me walked into the doorway with a bash wound in the side of his head. I sat there silently, rewatching what I had seen 7 years ago: my parents being stabbed to death via spear. I watched as I ran to the living room, crying as silently as I could, going to call the police.

As soon as young me had made it to the living room the dream shut off. A lady appeared wearing a Greek chiton. "See, young hero," The lady began, "This is what happens to people who disrespect and try to destroy their heritage to the gods. Join us and reclaim your heritage, or what happened to your parents will repeat." the lady finished. She then disappeared in a blast of gold light. After she disappeared, I woke up.

When I woke up Nico was standing over my bed.

"Hey, kid, wake up. It's almost 1:30 in the afternoon." He said, kicking the bed frame.

Wh-what?! How?!" I asked, jumping out of bed. I must have gotten up too fast because I immediately felt lightheaded. Nico helped me stay standing and then walked us both out the door.

"You missed the meeting." Nico stated blankly, "Chiron was talking about the prophecy, saying how you were the main piece, and that as soon as we could get you awake we would send you and the other two you chose on the quest." He said.

God dammit, of course, I missed the meeting! I mentally scolded myself. Nico then explained the rest of the meeting to me. He then told me that I could choose people to accompany me since I was issued the quest. In all honesty, I would choose Nico and Hazel. Then again, they are the only two people I've talked to since being here, so I don't have many more options to choose from.

"So I get to choose who goes with me..? You're coming...right?" I asked him.

"If you want me to." He responded, "I will tell you, I'm not the luckiest person to be around, especially on a quest," he said, looking at the ground as if embarrassed.

"Why would you be unlucky?' I asked him, surprised. "From what Hazel had told me, you've survived Tartarus TWICE, you have an amazing boyfriend, and you have amazing friends! How could YOU be unlucky?" I asked, a little too energetically.

He looked at me with hatred, then laughed maliciously.

"Hazel told you all the good things in my life, didn't she?" he looked at me with malcontent in his expression. "She didn't happen to mention how I'd lost my sister at 10 years old, she didn't mention how I almost died both times in Tartarus, and she didn't happen to mention how I had almost gotten all of my friends killed because of something I did, did she?!" He said, beginning to yell. I looked at him and felt tears beginning to form. I immediately started apologizing. Nico looked at me, then laughed as he patted me on the head.

"You really are still a kid, aren't you?" He asked once he stopped patting my head.

"I'm not a kid! I'm 14!" I answered, a little irritated now.

"Hehe, I'm kidding." he said, smiling faintly, "Come on, let's go talk to Chiron." He said, walking away.

As we walked out of the Hades cabin, the sun shone bright as we walked out. I had to cover my eyes, since the brightness gave me a splitting migraine. As we walked towards the Big House, I finally was able to see all of the activities Camp Half-Blood had to offer. I could see campers climbing the lava wall, I watched as the Apollo kids practiced their archery skills, Niads swimming around the canoe lake, and even a couple of Nike's kids running around yelling "Im gonna win!!" or "No! Im gonna win!!".

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