Chapter 5: I make new friends who really are the complete opposite of me

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As the man with hundreds of eyes drove us to upper Manhattan, from what Nico had told me, Nico introduced me to the 3 Aphrodite campers who had joined us on the quest.

"Levi," Nico began, "This is Piper McClean, current head of the Aphrodite cabin. And these are her siblings. This is Emilia Walsh, and this is Kieran Lawson."

"Hi," Emilia said with a smile.

"Hey, newbie," Kieran said with annoyance in his voice

"Kie," Piper said, "Don't be mean just because you dont wanna be on this quest. Hello, Levi, I hope this quest goes better than the last one where multiple people had to go did." She finished, sounding slightly worried.

"Um...Hi," I said, stuttering slightly. Looking between all of them, I realized just how scary this quest might get. Once you realize the possibilities of how horrible something can be, you can never forget them.

"Levi..?" Emilia asked me, "Are you alright? You went pale for a second." 

"Wha-? Yeah, no, I'm fine!" I said enthusiastically, "Just thinking.."

"Hey, kid," Nico said calmingly, "I know quests are stressful, we all do. But trust me when I say, we will make sure this isn't a bad quest. Ain't that right, guys?"


"Of course!"

"Why wouldn't we?"

"See?" Zane asked, turning back to me, "We've all been where you're at, kid. Nobody judges anybody here. It's okay to be scared." He said welcomingly. I looked at him and realized that I'd started crying. I turned away and wiped my tears as Emilia came over and hugged me.

"It's alright, kid," she said as he let go of me, "We'll make it, I promise on the river Styx."

"So do I," Eliza agreed as she turned around to look at all of us. "You'll be alright, kid." She turned back as the man with hundreds of eyes slowed the car to a stop. "We're here. Everybody out."

As we followed Eliza out of the van, I looked around and took in the beauty of upper Manhattan. I'd never been so far into the city before, it was amazing. Before I could even take in everything, Eliza and Zane started walking away.

"Hey!" I yelled to them, "Where are you guys going?!"

"The prophecy said "Five unlike themselves shall travel through snow / Find the goddess lost to the east"," Eliza answered, "so we figured we should find the train station and head somewhere east where there's snow in March."

"Where exactly is that?"

"Either Dawson or Alberta, Canada."

As we were all heading toward the station, Kieran and I ended up striking up a conversation. I hadn't realized before, but he was a good 5 inches taller than me and pretty good-looking. We both exchanged small parts of our childhood. I didn't mention the fact I was an orphan, since we didn't know each other that well I didn't think that was information he, nor anybody, needed to know.

"So you're from Colorado?" He asked, "That's really cool. I always wanted to travel the States, but growing up how I did, there was never any money or never enough free time.." he tread off.

"Hey," I said, "you grew up with big cities and friends. That sounds like the best kinda of life to me."

"Yeah, but I also had to watch 6 other siblings, my parents never had enough money, and I had to skip half of my 7th, 8th, and 9th-grade year to take care of my family..."

"Oh...well.." I couldn't find a response. I decided since he had practically trauma dumped on me a little bit, I might as well reciprocate and make it even. "Did you know I'm an orphan?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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