Book Three-01: Peace Or War

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Once the letter had disappeared Miles looked at Reyna stunned. "Well shit, that is different."

"You did see what I wrote to Avery's parents yes?" Reyna asked him

He nodded his head. "I did."'

"Keep that in mind for what I'm about to write to my mother."

Miles nodded his head as he moved himself closer to Reyna to read what she would write to her own mother.

|Dear dearest mother and Queen of Militia,

As it stands you are the only one that I can reason with when it comes to the situation at hand. As of now the troops of Militia are all over Iaclomar are under your command. I will give you a months time to retreat all of the troops that Zavier had placed all around Iaclomar before the kingdom of Militia becomes under attack from the kingdom of the dead. If I hear nothing from you within that time span then I will assume you wish to go to war with your only living daughter.


Queen of the dead|

Reyna folded it up and shut her eyes before she spoke the name and place where the letter was to go before it disappeared just like the first one had. Once it was gone Reyna looked at Miles, "Now we wait-while we do is there anything you wish to do or talk about?"

"Yes actually." He said as he got up before he pulled her up by her arm.

Reyna was rather stunned that he had pulled her up, but she said nothing as she was curious on what he was doing. When she was up onto her feet and close to his chest he wrapped his free arm around her with a grin on his face. "Hold on tight Rey."

She looked at him confused only for him to pick her up and have her be bridal style within his arms. Reyna held onto him by the neck before he had taken her out of the office room and pressed his forehead against hers. Reyna was rather flustered as she had no idea what he was doing as he had his eyes shut. Once he had opened his eyes he kissed her forehead softly.

"Don't let go Rey, I don't want you to be hurt."

"O...okay Miles." She said as she held onto him tightly

When he knew she was holding onto him tightly, he teleported them from the ground floor up to the floor above them to a room that was far from the stairs. Reyna looked around the room to see that it was the room that she had woken up in with Avery beside her. "W-why are we here Miles?"

"Tell me honestly, how did this place come to be Reyna? I'm not going to be upset with you I just want to know what has already come to pass."

Reyna took a deep breath as he placed her down onto the bed. "Alright then...I'll tell you everything Miles. For this place to come to be Avery and I had to use our magic powers to first make the lost spirits of the kingdom of Wright, Lanercost, Haran, Oakheart, Mirfield, Ascot and Tamworth appear."

Miles took his jacket off placing it to the side as he heard her speak before he sat beside her. "Then what happened Rey?"

She placed her hands together nervously before she looked at him sadly "Avery had touched me, he had to make it seem like he loved me. But I never felt anything from him, I don't know why I had passed out when I had."

Miles was in thought as he looked down with his eyebrows furrowed. "Interesting...I think I can help you figure out whether or not he actually touched you sexually or not. But you need to trust me."

"I do trust you...honestly right now you're the only one I truly trust fully Miles."

Hearing her words he smiled at her before he slipped off her shoes before he slid his hands up her legs. "I can assure you that this may feel a bit weird and strange at first. But it'll only be for a short moment."

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