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After the huge argument with Ana. I couldn't contact her. I called my friends come to my house. I need them. I need an advice. Its been 2 days I give Ana space for herself. I didn't bother her or even went to see her. She need a time. 

But today I decided to call her. I need her. She is my girlfriend but her phone cannot be reach. I'm so worried. 

About Becky, I never heard anything from her anymore after the incident we also don't have any upcoming meeting. I would lie if I say i didn't worried about her too. Irin is here too maybe she can answer all of this mess in my head?

Nam: Okay Freen. You gotta do something! Find Ana!

Freen: Not that easy Nam.

Nam: Why are you being coward now?

Freen: She need space.

Nam: And the space given is enough. Go find her. Apologize!

Heng: Nam was right. After all, its only you can fix this mess, Freen. You hurt both woman here.

Freen: Both? I avoided Becky okay! I tried my best. Shes the one keep coming and ruining my freaking life!

Nam: And that's not what Ana see in your eyes. 

What Nam means? Why i feel so heavy in my heart when she said that? Is my Ana hurting? Is she suffering? Shes not happy with our relationship? Why she didn't tell me if that so. Hey, Im hurting too. 

Tee: Go talk to Ana to find the answer. Fix if you want. 

Irin: Honestly, after the incident Becky went and see you, Freen. She is not the same Becky anymore. She only focus on her work. She never want to hang out with me anymore. She become quite. She also never smile anymore. She is not Becky that we used to know anymore. I miss my best friend. 

I stood up.

Freen: I'm going to find Ana. Wish me luck. 

I'm on my way to Ana's right now. I don't really know what should I say. I just want to see her, touch her, hug her, feel her, laugh with her again. I just want to make sure that shes okay. I want her to hurt me just to ease her heart.

Becky......I admit she never really forgotten. She always in my heart. Always.. but as of now, I chose what I deserved.

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