Part 26

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When she calms down enough to get out of the Jeep, Laura has talked Scott down and is seriously taking a statement from him. "Sounds like a mountain lion to me," she says calmly. "We've been having a lot of reports of that lately."

"I don't know," Scott wrinkles his nose. "It didn't look right."

Laura scratches the side of her face thoughtfully. "You work at the vet's office, right?" Scott nods. "Do you think it might have had rabies?"

"That might be it," Scott agrees, and Stiles lets out a sigh of relief. "It definitely didn't look right, and it was slobbering a lot."

"It's good that you called us," Laura says with a smile that is so patently false Stiles wonders how this werewolf business has been kept under wraps at all. "It was probably scared off by our sirens."

"Thanks for coming," Stiles speaks up, and she means it.

"Are you okay, Stiles?" Scott asks. "Sorry, I was completely useless. I had to use my inhaler, after," he adds, and while he's probably just trying to make her feel better about her panic attack, it's also likely true.

"Yeah," she nods, "I'm okay. Are you?"

Scott nods and holds his arms open. "Bro-hug?"

And who could say no to that? Stiles pulls him in tight. The McCalls and Stilinskis are both champion hugging families, and Scott and Stiles have never let a little thing like gender get between them and hugging it out.

"Do you still want to go to work?" she asks, pulling back. Scott blanches.

"Crap, I'm late!"

"I'm sure Dr. Deaton will understand," her father says, but his mouth is a thin line and he looks to Laura. "How about we drop Scott off and arrange a tow for Betty here?"

"It's just the window," Stiles protests. "I can totally drive it to the shop to get it looked at."

Laura shakes her head. "Better safe than sorry. We can't know the real extent of the damage until a professional looks at it. Especially since it was from a wild animal," she says, raising an eyebrow. How do both of them manage to do that and look cool? Stiles has tried it a few times in the mirror since that first night, but it just doesn't work on her face for some reason.

"I guess you're right," Stiles agrees.

"Of course I am. Now grab your stuff and hop in the back – we'll get Scott to work and I'll call the accident in from the road."

Stiles' dad grabs their backpacks and the leather jacket out of the back seat and throws them into the cruiser while she and Scott grab their assorted detritus. "Come on, we're wasting daylight," he calls to them.

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