Part 64

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Gerard has the keys to a completely boring-looking Honda Civic sitting in staff parking. It probably belonged to the dead nurse, she realizes.

He drives just under the speed limit while Stiles tries to figure out if she should text someone for help or just hope Gerard doesn't know about the recent advances in cell phone technology. He's been missing for years, but doing what, and where? If Derek, Peter, and Scott live, they can hopefully get her dad and Laura to track her by GPS.

Though she's not sure she wants anyone else getting anywhere near him. He's proven he's more than capable of taking out Derek with barely any effort, and she doesn't want anyone else to get hurt.

"Where are we going?" she asks eventually. It almost looks like he's headed to her house, but surely he can't know where she lives - she's been staying with the Hales since that first night.

"I'll need a change of clothes," he says, not taking his eyes off the road, "and your home is close to here." He sees her start and smiles coldly. "Didn't think I knew where you lived? It practically reeks of you and your father," he says, taking the turn from the main road. "A lovely little house, if somewhat sad and empty lately. I can relate, you know," he continues. "Much of my own family was taken from me much too soon."

Stiles grits her teeth. "Right, you mean the daughter you murdered and the son and granddaughter you abandoned?"

He cuts a glare at her. "I'm finishing what she was too weak to handle. She turned on me - me, when I decided to use their own strengths against them! I taught her everything she knew but she wasn't willing to sacrifice enough for the cause. We'll have to see if your father is up to the task," he muses, "though someone younger might be easier to mold."

"If you mean Scott, you asshole, you probably killed him!" she yells at him. She's shaking, her hands clenched in fists.

"Please," Gerard scoffs, "If anything, you should be thanking me for the favor I did him. If he survives he won't have to worry about falling over gasping every time he tries to do something more strenuous than walking and chewing gum at the same time."

Stiles gapes at him and then snaps her jaw shut. "Keyword: if."

Gerard curls his mouth in mimicry of a smile. "The bite is a gift that has been in the wrong hands for too long. I'm simply redistributing resources for the greater good. Some people are too weak to handle it. If he doesn't make it, it's hardly a loss."

"Is that why you've been killing hunters?" Stiles asks, "Because they were weak?"

"They were weak," he muses, "but more importantly they were too free with their words. If I'm going to change the way we hunt I can't have anyone spreading nasty rumors about me while I do it."

"You mean rumours like you're a werewolf now, and kind of insane?"

He frowns, looking out at the dark road ahead. "Sacrifices must be made. The ends justify the means."

He actually believes that. Stiles digs her nails into her thigh and keeps silent.

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