Part 61

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Laura and her dad spend most of the day doing paperwork – apparently a bunch of dead bodies turning up outside a party late at night when there's a curfew in place is kind of a big deal. But by the evening Stiles is antsy and bored, and nothing seems to be able to hold her attention.

"You know," her dad says, "The Lahey boy is getting out of the hospital tonight. I think Melissa is taking him home. Maybe you and Derek could go visit him before he checks out, see how he's doing."

"Get out of your hair, you mean?" Stiles half-jokes and he smiles at her.

He gestures her over and pulls her into a hug. "I'll never get tired of you," he says, "but it looks like you're going to climb right out of your skin. Go out, get some fresh air, talk to people."

Derek walks into the room with his keys in hand. "I was actually planning to visit my uncle soon, anyway if you want to come along," he offers.

Stiles grins, gives her dad a squeeze, and is up like a shot.

"Just give me five minutes to grab my stuff!"

[Sterek] Sink Us to Swim (boyxboy) (complete)Where stories live. Discover now