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The two have settled on either side of the sofa with the last of their cans in hand (curtesy of Beomgyu who'd made the difficult and wobbly walk over to the kitchen to recieve them) and are watching a black-and-white movie. Yeonjun's suggestion, since the night was supposed to be about showing Beomgyu grey things—not tricking him into losing several rounds of Uno—he thought the least the could do was actually watch a black-and-white movie.

It's boring, Yeonjun will admit. It's something historic he has no care for, zoning out more than once only to be booted in the side by Beomgyu, but the latter seems to be fully endorsed, spilling his drink down his shirt as he misses his mouth because he's too busy trying to watch TV.

"It's cold," Yeonjun comments out of nowhere, turning his face in Beomgyu's direction. His head sways and he blinks hard to get the walls to stop twirling around like a ballroom dance, inhaling in relief when they grow still.

Beomgyu takes another sip of his drink before placing the empty can on the coffee table in front of them, eyes glued to the TV. "Get a blanket."

"The colour grey is for hugging," he slurs, his tone sassy like his statement was obvious and not a complete lie he'd made up to get what he wants: affection.

It works in getting Beomgyu's attention though, he twists his head in Yeonjun's direction, a disgusted curl of his lips and furrowed brows on show. "Ew, I don't wanna hug you."

Yeonjun scoffs, adjusting his seating position so that he's upstraight. "You hugged me earlier! You hugged me." He pouts, pointing an index finger against his chest accusatorially. A look of offence over his face that almost makes Beomgyu crack into a smile.

"Ugh, don't remind me," Beomgyu replies instead, rolling his eyes.

"You lost at Uno again; you owe me it as the loser," Yeonjun says and holds up his arm in a gesture for Beomgyu to fill up the space left and to allow the embrace.

And Beomgyu lost fair and square that time. They'd gone through all the cards and used Beomgyu's markers to label the colour on each card so that Yeonjun couldn't cheat. Beomgyu made sure there was an even number for all of them in case Yeonjun tried to pull one over him, but he hadn't. He'd been honest, for once.

Beomgyu sighs, acting reluctant, and then cozies himself up in Yeonjun's side, wrapping a lazy arm around the elder's stomach. "You're not even a good hugger," he says. It's clear his words are a lie because the minute he's comforatble and Yeonjun's arm wraps around him, he sighs with content and closes his eyes.

Yeonjun glance down at him with a smile he fails to suppress and then focuses on the TV screen, squeezing the arm around Beomgyu to gently nudge him. "We're watching something, don't fall asleep."

"Don't pretend you've been watching it..." Beomgyu quips back, turning his drunkely warm face into Yeonjun's side as an act of defiance, refusing to open his eyes now that he's snuggled up and tired.

Yeonjun chuckles and watches the boring movie himself, making comments every now and then to keep Beomgyu updated. Sometimes the latter cracks open an eye, but overall he just hums to show Yeonjun he's still awake. Even if the majority of hums he gives are actually after Yeonjun's woke him up to force him to pay attention like the annoying Hyung Beomgyu thinks of him as.

"Oh, Beomgyu, look!" Yeonjun exclaims in excitement, voice jolting Beomgyu awake who groans in bother.

"I ought to throttle you in your-" Beomgyu mutters under his sleep-slicked voice, cutting himself off when he sees the TV screen.

"That's the artpiece The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli, believed to be painted in the mid 1480s!" Beomgyu yells as he sits up, patting Yeonjun to get his attention even though he was the one that told him about it. "It depicits how the birth of Aphrodite and her arrival in Cypros represented a rebirth of civilization, hope, and love!"

ℙ𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕒 𝔾𝕣𝕖𝕪 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕝𝕕, BeomjunWhere stories live. Discover now