Chapter 4

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"Nia. Nia, wake up. Nia." Somebody shouted out in the background and it sounded like Tammy.

"Is she dead?" Harry asked.

"No, you can see she's breathing you fool." Olivia said.


"Nia, Nia!" Another voice shouts out. Seconds later.. Nia is conscious again and sits up quickly then looks around clueless.


"Who are you?" Harry asked.

"Why would you ask her that?" Olivia said/asked.

"Huh?" Nia said cluelessly.

"Oh no, please dont tell me she lost her memory." Harry worriedly said.

"She's fine. She's just confused." Olivia said.

"Huh... Guys!" Nia exclaimed and got up quickly.

"You okay?" Olivia asked wiping the dust off Nia's hair.

"Yeah. Ow, my forehead is aching. What happened to my nose? It feels like an illusion.." Nia said.

"You fell pretty badly." Olivia said.

"Well, your unconsciousness got 80 000 people watching us." Harry said.

"No way." Nia said.

"And turns out, ghosts do exist." Olivia said.

"What..." Nia said.

"And that's not all, your sister's here too." Harry mentioned.


"André and Bonnie came too." Harry said.

"Huh... Who was the footsteps we heard??" Nia asked curiously.

"It was the ghost, it disappeared outta nowhere. But we got it on camera and people want more." Harry said.

"No way.." Nia said as she placed her hand on her forehead, trying to reduce the pain of the headache she was feeling.

"You okay?" Olivia asked.

"Nia? I'm here." Tammy said.

Everything around Nia was just spinning and she was starting to freak out. She didn't know what was happening or how to control it until...


Water is thrown into Nia's face and she wakes up instantly.

"Is she dead?" Harry asked.

"No, you can see she's breathing you fool." Olivia said.

"Nia?" A familiar voice called out.

"T.. Tammy?" Nia said as she sat up.

"She's alive!" Harry said.

"You okay?"

"Um, yeah." Nia said as she rubbed her eyes. "Oh, André! You came." Nia said and pulled André into a hug.

"Yeah.." André said with a small smile.

"What made you change your mind?" Nia asked, letting go of the hug.

"I was watching your live.. and you fell.. you were hurt pretty badly.. I was worried.." André said.

"You were worried about me?" Nia asked.

"Not about you, about what would've happen next cuz you were being chased by something." André said.

"Which turned out to be a cat in boots..." Olivia said.

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