we met again

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She wasn't processing what just happened before she could realise another **splash** two strong arms pulling her out of pool she breaths heavy her dress wet and clinging to her body

"Pathetic" the man rasps she doesn't dare to look at him

"Am not a theif" she says mumbling under her breath his face was faintly shining under moonlight the stoic expression and his tattooed arm was all she could see before she could open her mouth he was already gone she sighs feeling her body shiver at the coldness getting lost at the way of her room she somehow ends up in her room again

Yn pov:

"who was he..." her mind wanders at the little features she has seen frustated at not able to see his face "who cares he called me pathetic!" She grumbles annoyedly as she takes a shower

Next morning~

"You're back! My princess appa missed you so much" a hug embraces her she willingly hugs him back

"i missed you too dad"

she says missing the affection of her father as they chat she tells all the things she did and what was happening Mr. Min was listening to her with a big smile but soon gets interrupted by a poisonous seductive voice

"it's time we leave for office sir" her head doesn't dare to look at the owner of voice knowing who it was

"oh yes...yes...time flies so fast I'll listen to you later dear princess...let's go michelle" leaving her in

Yn pov:

the silent dining room i felt calm....reality of how alone the name Michelle was most hated name...maybe forever how she took my father away...it's was always her....

taking him away...and shattering our family...oops..it was already shattered...it was a picture perfect family everyone beautiful but it was a big fat lie...

.no one was together.....it wasn't even a family....just a jail of family's reputation....i wonder...

he's fine...or not...i just miss him...so much....my thoughts get interrupted by a voice

"What are you doing here" a annoyed chrip my lovely mother....what a morning wow...i love it

"Good morning mom..." i say ignoring her words

"there's nothing good about it...having hot chocolate in the morning? Seriously?"

Okay ouch...not my baby hot chocolate
"Why what's wrong?"

"Everything's wrong look at yourself so fat! How can I set you up with a rich man if you look like this get rid of this chocolate right now"

it wasn't about chocolate....it was about my body...
such a wonderful morning I wasn't hungry anymore....not even hungry a bit though these cupcakes were apologising for being my favourite

"okay..." i say shortly and turn to cage myself again in my beautiful room

"wait! Don't eat anything today we have our company's success meet you need to look representative enough don't freaking mess up and uncle Jeon is also gonna be there you better behave"
i had no say.... definitely no say.... whatever was happening but uncle Jeon....he's gonna be there too?
...does he even remember me.... definitely no cause am no one....never existed in this family but....is he...also gonna be there

"Mom....is..he gonna be there..?.." i could see her face turn cold at the mention

"who" her voice was warning....a sweet warning i don't wanna be slapped period. But...i wanted to know about him

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