Part 2

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Jane: Rosalie, what are you doing here?

Rosalie doesn't respond as she has just escaped prison

Jahn: Rosalie, you get home, and when you do, you are getting the beating of a lifetime. Stand up and follow us home

Rosalie doesn't obey their orders as she doesn't have the strength to

Jahn: Get up, or I will carry you back to the house, Rosalie

Jahn picks up Rosalie and forcefully carries her back to their house. When they arrive home, he then proceeds to throw Rosalie on the ground and beats her up. Suddenly he takes her prison clothes off and begins to touch her and has his way with her. She doesn't react though because she has already gotten used to this kind of treatment with Secretary Ross.

3 months later

Jahn: Rosalie, stand to attention. You are going to live with this guy, his name's Obadiah and he will do whatever he wants to do and you will accept it, ok

She just nods in response

Jahn: Good get in the trunk and we will be on our way

Rosalie walks in the trunk ungratefully and Jahn locks the trunk and starts driving off to Obadiahs house. Suddenly they arrive at Odadiahs house and he picks up her and sets her inside the house and pulls off.

Obadiah: Nice to meet you, now I will being you to your room and you will wait for me there to break you in

Obadiah stands up and follows her to his room and puts hee in there and locks the door behind her

Obadiah: Ok, let's start, you will call me Master and you are here to serve me in any way I need from you and even if that means touching yourself so hard you cum, ok.

Rosalie: Yes, master
Obadiah slaps her

Obadiah: Non verbal answers if ut is a yes or no question but if it is anythung more then use your words.

Rosalie nods in response

Obadiah: Strip now

She just stares at him shocked at his request

Obadiah: Now or your punishment will be worse

She is just frozen in place at his request

Obadiah: Ok, then I have to do the request myself

He then walks up to her and pulls a knife out of his pants and he cuts her clothes off. He then has his way with her and makes her touch herself. Suddenly she starts crying. His face then stiffens and he walks into her closet and grabs a whip

Obadiah: No crying

He then starts to whip her and by the end of it her back and chest have whip marks all over it. He then walks out of the room.

A few minutes later, a woman walks in with what seems to be a shirt and pants. She hands them to me

She nods her head in acknowledgment

6 months later

Master has had his way with me every day with me for 6 months and I have mostly been immune to that now, but the one thing that hurts no matter how much I experience is the whip and I can't cry or the punishment will be worse than it was before. I decide I need to escape, so I see a pair of scissors on the bedside table and I decide to cut the bedsheets into a latter of sorts to get out of this place. So I get down and I see trees so I start running but before I get very far, I feel something hit my neck above the power dampener and when I put my hand on it it shocks me, and suddenly people walk towards me and start to fight me to attempt to knock me out, but I don't know how to fight so I lose easily and I get passed out, but not before I see the Hydra logo.

Suddenly I wake up and I am tied to a chair in a cell and I hear people walking towards me

???: You're awake. Stand up

My body breaks the chains of the chair I was sitting in and stand up against my body's command but I feel pain in my arms did I break my arms

???: Good. Now let me open the door. Walk out of this door and follow me

Again my body does not follow my commands and follows guy

???: Get down on the metal table and open your mouth

My body just follows the commands with no hesitation

???: Other scientist give her the blue beetle

Other scientist walks over to me and puts this blue thing on my mouth and it attaches to it and sinks inside

Suddenly it feels as my body is growing new fire limbs and it hurts like no tomorrow. My body has beetle legs and has turned blue and suddenly I begin to fly around the Hydra base and I begin rocketing against the walls since they are made of weird metal.

3 months later

???: You have a mission to take down the Avengers they are attacking our base

She just nods in response

???: 45 minutes

Blue Beetle: meal

???: Yes Blue Beetle

She nods and walks to get some food, she gets some food and gives it to Hydra scientist and goes to the floor kneels on it and puts her head against the floor.

Blue Beetle: here

45 minutes later

???: Blue Beetle the Avengers have arrived go out in your human form

She nods in response

She attempts to relax and the metal goes away. She then runs out to go fight the Avengers. She gets closer to Iron Man first.

Blue Beetle: Nice meet you Iron man

Iron Man: Rosalie?

She puts her blue Beetle armor on and begins to fight him

Iron Man: Rosalie, what is that on your neck?

She continues to fight him ignoring what he is saying

Iron Man: I am guessing that is what is controlling you so I need to get that off

Eventually he overpowers you and gets the disk off your neck and suddenly you put full attention on him

Rosalie: Stark?

Iron Man: Rosalie?

Rosalie: What happening?

She continues to hyperventilate until she  passes out suddenly, probably from a panic attack. Tony picks her up and brings her back to the quinjet.

Tony: Bruce, can you make sure Rosalie's alright?

Bruce: Sure Tony, why do you actually care about her?

Tony: She was in prison a few years back because they were collecting mutants for no reason, and you should have seen her she looked so miserable. I mean, orange prison uniform, looked like she hasn't slept in 3 years and hasn't eaten in a while, with an iv, actually I think I have a picture. Let me see, actually, yes, I do here

He uses his watch and makes the picture into a hologram

Tony: There

Bruce: Wow, she did look bad. Do you know what they did to her?

Tony: Yeah, apparently they waterboarded her, and with that power dampener around her neck, she had a seizure

Bruce: Geez, that sounds bad. Well, her body condition looks worse than she did in that picture, but she is healthier, and she has a lot of scars

Tony: Scars?

Bruce: This doesn't look like something Hydra would do. There is something before Hydra that caused this. We will have to ask her when she wakes up,

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