Part 4

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Tony: Bruce

Bruce: Yes, Tony

Tony: I need help with Rosalie, she has just passed out from lack of nutrients

Bruce: What? Why?

Tony: I will explain later can you just give her an Iv or something?

Bruce: Sure

40 minutes later

Bruce: Ok you need to explain

Tony: Ok, so I was talking to Rosalie and apparently after she got out of jail her parents gave her to her Master for about 6 months is my guess. Basically he abused her and gave her all these rules that she doesn't break even without her Master. And one of those was she isn't allowed to eat, so I couldn't convince her and now we are here. So what do I do now? I mean I care for the kid but I don't know what to do

Bruce: Maybe a therapist would be a good call

Tony: the kid doesn't even trust me, you really think the kid will trust a therapist. Like literally the kid doesn't even trust me to make her own food. Like last night she said food please so she went to go make her own food or so I thought and when she came into the room I was in she set the plate down in front of me and I snapped at her for some reason because I wasn't hungry and she passed out from a panic attack. I felt horrible

Jarvis: Sir, it appears Rosalie has woken up and is crying, you should go see her

Tony: I need to go see her. Do you want to come Bruce I think she might like you, but let me introduce you ok

Bruce: Sure, that's fine

I walk into the room with Bruce and I see Rosalie on the bed crying and as soon as she sees me she tenses up and freezes. But she still doesn't talk

Tony: Rosalie, you good?

She nods her head

Tony: You don't look fine kiddo. You can talk

Rosalie: Who?

Tony: Oh, this is your new friend Dr. Bruce Banner and he is happy to meet you

Rosalie: Friend?

Tony: Yeah, new friend kiddo

Rosalie: Never had friend

Tony: You have us now kiddo. Rosalie, stand if you can

Rosalie stands up straight and tall but doesn't look at them

Tony: Do you want breakfast?

Rosalie: What Breakfast?

Tony: Breakfast is what you eat in the mornings, when you first wake up

Rosalie: Yes, sir. I make breakfast

Rosalie walks over to the kitchen and begins to make breakfast. When she is done, she sees Bruce and Tony have already sat down, she gives them their breakfasts and she walks over to the hardwood and kneels on her knees and places her head on the floor

Bruce: Tony what is she doing?

Tony: Like I said she doesn't break her masters rules

Bruce: Her Master made her sit like that every time he ate a meal?

Tony: Yeah

After Bruce and Tony finish their breakfast, Rosalie stands to alert, grabs their plates and washes them quickly and puts them up.

Rosalie: Permission dishes

Tony: Yes, Rosalie you can do the dishes

Rosalie does the dishes and walks over

Y/n is a mutantOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora