Part 3

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Suddenly, I wake up in what appears to be a cell. That is nothing new at this point. So I just sit there awaiting my fate. Someone walks into the room, and I look up. I see Mr. Stark

Tony: Rosalie, you're awake

Rosalie: Kidnapped again

Tony: Again?

Rosalie: 4th time

Tony: You've been kidnapped 4 times?

She nods

Tony: We can let you out of the cell. It was just a precaution. You clearly aren't going to attack us

She bows her head in response

He unlocks the cell, and I carefully walk out, and I tense up because I am not used to people being nice to me. We walk into what seems to be a kitchen area, and I just stand there in what seems to be waiting for command.

Tony: Rosalie, what are you doing?

Rosalie: Waiting

Tony: Rosalie, you don't need to wait for my command. You are free to do whatever you want

Rosalie: What now

Tony: Ok, I see you are not going to give this up, so go sit down at the table

Rosalie goes and sits down

She bows her head in response

Tony: So what happened to you, I mean  something had to happen for you to get placed into Hydra?

Rosalie hesitates to answer that question, and she begins to tense as for preparation for a hit

Tony: Rosalie, I am not going to hit you. What has happened to you?

Rosalie: Master no answer

Tony: Master?

Rosalie: Parents gave to him

Tony: What else have they done?

Rosalie: No, tell masters orders

Tony: Your master isn't here anymore. You can break his or her rules

Rosalie: Parents gave to Master, obey him. Disobey means hurt. You understand?

Tony: Ok, yep, understand

Rosalie: Food, please

Tony: Rosalie

He says in a stern tone. She then squinches back in fear of getting hit

Tony: Rosalie, it's fine to get some food

She just nods her head in response

Rosalie walks off to go get some food, while Tony is just left with his thoughts. She then comes back with a plate of food and a cup. She then walks over to Tony and sits the food down in front of him

Rosalie: Here

Tony: Rosalie, I didn't want food. Why did you bring me food

Rosalie backs away to avoid an angry Tony and runs off to another room. We see Tony's eyes soften at her reaction

Tony: Rosalie, I didn't mean to startle you. Of course, Hydra made her think that them eating was her eating. I should go talk to her

Tony walks into the same room as Rosalie, and we see her hiding in a corner crying. She acknowledges Tony and squinches up in preparation for a hit. Tony looks at her with worry and caring

Tony: Rosalie?

No response she is tensed up, and he can see she is shaking and crying. He attempts to approach her, but we can see her attempt to make herself smaller

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