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Tumblr girls - G-Easy


As I leaned back on the black wall, I see everyone fighting. I look around some more and see divided fighting. I feel myself blushing

'What no, it can't be what I think it is...' I think. I put both of my hands on my head and put my head down, trying to fight the thought and to make myself think that it's just me being amazed by his fighting

I jumped a little when I heard someone's voice

"Hey, Bloom, you okay?" Divided. It was Divided

"Oh uh, yeah, yup, perfectly fine hehe... I'll... go now." I say look at him, blushing, thinking it was unnoticed by him, keyword: thinking

He look at me suspiciously but just brushed it off

"Alright... just tell me if you need anything." Divided said as he looked me in the eyes

"Yup I know that... uh... bye!" I ran to the beach to clear my mind

'I know it's not some stupid crush, it's just me being amazed by him' I think and look into the water


I stared down in realization that it was, in fact, a stupid crush.

'Fuck.' I think

"Oh who am I kidding... of course it is..." I mumbled 'it'll go away if I just... don't talk to him, right? So that was my plan. Wait, what about Dyso?

He'll make me play with him, and Divided will be there too. Fuck. I literally can't get away from them.

Wait! Maybe if I say I'm sick, no... they'll just come by and check on me.

Uhh...' I lay down next to the water at the beach and look at the sun

'Maybe I'll just ignore both of them, yeah! That's it... they'll probably not care anyways, they will be too busy fighting, then I'll just be hiding, until this stupid crush goes away, of course.'

"So it's settled!" I accidentally say out loud, not knowing that Divided AND Dyso was literally right next to me, how the fuck did I NOT see them?!

"What's settled?" Dyso says, I jump a little looking straight at them

"UH, UHM, ERM, Y-... YOUR MOM!" I say quickly "I- UH, GOT TO GO NOW BYE!" I run to hide some place, literally anywhere away from them.


"That was weird..." I say looking at Dyso "You think he's okay?"

"Maybe he's sick, you saw how red he was, maybe he just doesn't want to make us sick." I say looking down at the sand

"But he would tell us something if he was sick, right? At least that's what I think." Dyso said

'I didn't do someone wrong, right?' I thought as I look at to where bloom was last.

"Shouldn't we go after him?..." I say to Dyso

"Wait, yeah!?" Dyso starts running so I start running with him

"I think I saw him go that way!" I pointed to the left


'Fuck I hear them behind me...' I curse as I look behind me and look down to see them climbing up the mountain

'I think the being sick option is better.' I think as I plop down on the side of the mountain, I groan as I accidentally laid on some rocks, and they were really sharp. I heard footstep getting louder and louder, I just groan and faked some pain in my stomach.

"Woah dude! Calm down!" Dyso says running to my aid

"Yeah what happened?" Divided. I forgot divided was even there

"J-just not feeling good that's all..." I say as those rocks actually begin to hurt me. I look at where I lied down and found out it was actually spikes.

"Oh, we- woah woah woah, dude!" Dyso screamed as I hunch down and grab my stomach in pain, it hurt so bad.

"F-fuck..." I manage to cry out as my tears began to trickle out.

"Divided, get the kit!" Dyso yelled at Divided, divided began to get the kit out. That when I realized, the only ones that know how to heal someone is Divided.

As Divided kneeled down in front of me I held my head down to not see him.

"Oh?..." Divided said, I took a quick glance at him and saw him pick up the tiny spike

"That looks like... poison..." Dyso said as he seem worried

"That's cause it is. I think I found the reason you hurt so bad, and it looks like there's some stuck to your back to, but kinda deep in your skin..." Divided said looking at my back, I felt shivers down my spine as I heard his soft voice behind me.

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