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I kill these little kids while thinking about... him... I just like.. can't... get him off my mind, that black fluffy hair that blows in the wind, the way he fights. He's just so... perfect? I think I could say, but he's my bestfriend, and I think that's kinda weird. What's more weird is that he's a guy and... I'm a guy so isn't that technically gay? Well more like bi because I still like girls. Do I even like him?

I feel eyes burning me on the back of my head. I turn and see no one's there, but then I look up, and I see him, Divided. We made eye contact and I blushed a little.

My eyes sparkle a bit as I can now get a good look at him, he has the softest skin ever, the most beautiful amethyst eyes ever that can shine in the dark, the softest dark black hair, it's messy, but in a good way.

I felt someone about to swing on me so I took out my DS and swung back before they could try and kill me, making me the one breaking contact with him.


I was lost looking at Bloom, but then his gaze turned to me, we were keeping eye contact. I got a closer look at him, his messy, bloody, white hair. His ocean orbs that you could see the sea in. Seeing him out of breath, blood on him, and kinda messy, just made him be more hotter then he was before.

We were staring at each other for a long time until some guy came up from behind him and he swung, but Bloom blocked it and killed him. God, he looked so handsome fighting.

Honestly I wanted to kiss him right there and then. Wait, isn't he my best friend? I'm not gay, right? I was to lost in my thoughts to figure out if I was attracted to men or not. I never felt like this near Dyso, yeah he's kinda fine but I never thought about him this much.

I jumped down from where the gang was at before and try and look at where Bloom was before.

But he was gone before I could even ask him for something. I looked at where he was standing before.


What?.. what happened to him? Maybe it was just the poison that made him throw it up. But he would still be here. Did he get kidnapped? I looked more around and saw more blood, a blood trail.


Fuck. While I was thinking I had some loser hit me on the head, hard. I woke up to that kid dragging me on the floor

"Bro let go of me." I say quietly and weakly, the poison was getting to me, I felt like throwing up.

"Not until we kill you and your buddy's." The loser of a guy said. I could beat him easily, but I'm to weak right now.

I just let him drag me because it's no use trying to get him off of me. I'll just lose more energy.

'I'm strong, I know im not gonna die.' I reminded myself and started thinking of a way to get out. They drag me to the underground area.

"Don't move. I've got to get my sword." They say as they left. 'Now's my chance!' I think as I start crawling near the exit.

But then I hear their voice. 'Fuck they came back to soon.'

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