Falling harder.

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I start picking out the spikes slowly while I hear Bloom moan a bit.

'Damn.' I think. 'Wait woah what the fuck am I thinking.' I blushed.

"Dyso can you hand me the alcohol?" I asked.

"Yeah sure." Dyso says while giving me it. I rub it all on the cuts.

"Fuck bro that hurts..." Bloom says as I see him wince.

"Well no shit." I say to Bloom.

"Oh shut up Divi- oh sorry, Multiply." Bloom says as rolling his eyes.

'I can make his eyes roll for sure' I think. 'WOAH, WHAT DID I JUST THINK.' I blush a little but it goes away.

"I'm the one fixing you, so be quiet." I snap at him.

"Make me." Bloom says holding his hand tightly.

"Woah dude that's kinda gay." Dyso says as tapping his foot impatiently.

"Dyso you're gay to. You can't be talking." I say to Dyso, staring at him.

"Yeah for you duh." Dyso says rolling his eyes, I raise my eye brow.

"Can you be faster or what." Bloom demands and it starting to look like it's hurting him more.

"I'll go slower than. How bout that?" I say a little breath less as I sigh after getting a little annoyed at Bloom's complaining.


"I'll go slower than. How bout that?" Divided says breath less and sighs after.

I blush a little hoping no one saw it but it went away after.

'That was kinda hot yall... no homo..?' I think as Divided finished picking all the spikes out.

"Thanks bro" I smile at him a bit.

"You're welcome lil bro" He smirks a bit, we held eye contact for three seconds until Divided got up and dabbed up Dyso.

I stood up and dusted some dirt off me.

"So... are we gonna talk about that running part, it was kinda sus." Dyso says unsure.

"Nah I'm fine I just had a little bit on my mind but I'll be fine." I say as my smile fades a bit, forgetting about that whole run part until he brought it up.

"Are you sure? You looked uneasy." Divided said with a little worry in his voice that Bloom couldn't miss.

"Uhm, yeah! Sure I'm fine..." I said breath less and ran a hand through my hair.

"Imma go kill people or train now, I guess, cya." I say to Dyso and Divided and ran off, waving at them, not giving them a chance to even say bye as I just needed a way to get him off my mind.


I looked at Dyso confused. "Didn't he just get hurt, and is poisoned?" I ask Dyso

"Yeah I'm pretty sure... and I'm pretty sure he's gonna throw up in a few minutes..." Dyso says as he looked at me with worried in his eyes.

"Should we just leave him or?.." I questioned as it starts to rain and I look up and smirk a bit

"Probably. If it was very bad he would run to us to help. You know how he is, never wanting help from anyone else thinking he could do it all himself." Dyso cuts himself off a bit.

"When in reality he needs help more than us, he bottles it all up to overwhelm him to the point he can't take it anymore but always acts like he's fine. To the point we don't know if he's acting or if he's actually happy.

"Yeah but I'm pretty sure that's how it's always gonna be with him, can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved." I say looking down at the ground.

"Well man I'm gonna go kill people too, you know where to find me." Dyso waves as we are both very wet.

"Cya Dyso." "Cya Divided." We both go our own ways, but before I can take any step forward I see bloom drenched in water fighting someone, but for once. No emotion. No emotion behind those pretty eyes of his, like he's trying to figure out something. I'm going to figure that something out one day, I will. He's one of my other bestfriends, I got to help him, you know? Me and Dyso got to find out what happened. He needs to open up on day. I hope that one day is soon.

I read back at all i thought, wait. Pretty eyes? Why did I say that. I looked closer at him, fighting so passionately, then I looked at his eyes, they are pretty I will say that. It's a homie thing to say your homie has pretty eyes right? So I'm not weird, am I? If Bloom could read my thoughts he would've said I was always weird.

I sit down near the edge and watch Bloom fight, wait isn't that weird? Like a... stalker thing to do? No... I'm pretty sure it's normal to watch someone fight, to see their technics, right? I'm never going to fight him though, so why was I looking at him?

I feel myself blushing at that sentence, embarrassment, right? Yeah, embarrassment. Nothing more, nothing more.

Nothing more...

That sat at the back of his brain for days, countless sleep less nights.

d3adest speaks

I updated it like YALL asked🙀

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