The Teacher

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The teacher stood up from her desk after we were all seated "Today class, we are going to talk about homophones, can anyone explain to me what homophones are?"
*No one raises hand*
"Good, that's why I'm the teacher, NOT YOU JOEY!!! Anyway, a homophone is a word that sounds exactly like another, for example, Jenny, would you like to live in a desert, no? Ok, I'll take this giant cake away then."

And as I sing this ballad,
Poor little Jenny is very sad,
Because she was tricked,
By her teacher who kicked,
The cake right out and into the forest,
Where the vines sing a chorus,
Of a song long forgotten,
By your mom.

Jenny ran out of the classroom and into the forest crying and vying that she would find her giant cake she ran all the way to three singing vines and died, then, still searching for her cake she scoured every part of the land until finally she found it and

Low and behold,
She happened to hold,
A large piece of cake,
Which somebody baked,
But when she went inside,
She nearly cried,
Because she found that it was filled with water,
Which made it much hotter,
And more like a desert,
Than a dessert.

How was my first mini story? Did you like it? Well too bad anyway, you still have to vote for it so ha!

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