Introducing Mr. Andy Kulhiemer

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I stood up groggily with a headache "Agh" (Runs hand through hair) "What happened?" *Looks around* "Hello?" *Pause* "Is anyone there?" *Becomes concerned* "Hello?" "What is this, some kinda joke, sneaking into my dorm while I'm asleep and dropping me off some place?" *Pause* "I'm really getting tired of all of these stupid pranks!" "This isn't funny!" *Starts laughing hysterically* "YOu ThiNK yOu'rE GoNNA ScARE ME? DRoPpINg mE OFF SoMe RAnDoM PLacE? YoU'RE ProBABly WatcHInG ME NOw, LAUGHING AT HOW SCARED I LOOKED WeLL THe JoKES ON YoU, I LIKE THE DARK BecAUsE ThE tRuTh IS... NO ONE HAS EVER BEEN ABLE TO ESCAPE ME OR TELL THEM WHO I WAS BECAUSE, I, AnDy KuLHieMER, HaVE NevER LeT anYOnE WHO KNOWS SurViVE, JuST aSK tHeM
*Lights flicker on, then off again as he slumps against the wall, unconscious*

Heheh I did that as a monologue in drama last year... Cuz I'm normal

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