Chapter 3 Friends?

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December 11, Wednesday - 11 AM

Logan's POV
     I had just gotten home from three of my classes as I had managed to get them all spread out. I took out the tape recorder that I used so I could relisten to the lecture and went to the table, starting to work on the assignments, but I couldn't focus. My mind kept wandering back to Saturday Night when Virgil and I had gone stargazing. He was so open and honest when just a day before he was giving me the cold shoulder, what had happened? Was it really just because of the shirt I'd gotten him? Or was it more? I shook my head to get my mind off it as I got back to work on my assignments.

     After a few minutes Virgil walked in and I couldn't help but stare, "Hey Star-boy." Virgil said, it was a nickname he had given me after we went stargazing, "Good Morning Virg." I responded. Virgil said I could call him that if I wanted to, and I wanted to, "Well that's a first." Virgil chuckled. I could feel my face heating up, 'He's right, I've never called him his nickname before- wait, am I blushing?!' I thought, "W-Well, thought I'd ch-change things up for once." I said quickly. I was embarrassed to say the least. I couldn't take how embarrassing it was.

3rd Person POV
     After a few minutes of awkward silence Virgil spoke up, "It's ok to feel embarrassed about a slip up Logan. You don't have to make up some story about it." He said, "W-What- No- Virgil- it wasn't a slip up, seriously- I just felt like a change!" Logan said quickly, he was only half honest though, he meant to do it, but he didn't really know why. It just felt right to him, "Don't lie Star-Boy, you never want a change." Virgil stated, walking over and sitting across from Logan with a bowl of cereal. Logan opted not to reply and worked on the assignments he had been given, happy that Virgil had respected his choice and stayed silent as well, not continuing the conversation.

     Once Virgil finished with his breakfast and got up, "I'm heading off. Cya Star-Boy." He said, putting on his headphones before leaving with music on. Logan laid back in his seat, his thoughts were all over the place, 'What is mine and Virgil's relationship?' 'Are we friends?' 'Are we more?' Were just some of them. He closed his eyes and refocused before checking the time, 'Half an hour till the rest of my classes start. Perfect.' He thought, getting back on his Assignments.


     After about four and a half hours Logan got back from the rest of his classes. He went inside and removed his shoes before going to the living room. He grabbed a book from the shelf and sat on the couch, reading. After a while he eventually drifted off.

     "Logan...? Logan? LOGAN!"

     Logan jolted awake to see Logan looked up at Virgil, "What time is it?" He asked, "Six PM. Come on, I called your brother and he gave me instructions to make something for dinner." Virgil explained, looking down at Logan, "How'd you get my brother's number?" Logan asked, only for Virgil to toss him his phone, "You're a heavy sleeper." He said simply, heading to the kitchen before placing two dishes on the table, with Chicken and Mac n' Cheese. Logan headed over and sat with Virgil, "Thanks Virg." He said before eating, "You're welcome Star-boy." Virgil replied.

     Once they finished eating Virgil did the dishes while Logan packed up leftovers. It was a routine they had come up with so they save time, and as they'd finish they go to the living room and curl up on the couch and watch a movie. It was Logan's turn to pick and he made sure to finish before Virgil so he could surprise his roommate. He grabbed the Nightmare before Christmas off the shelf and put it in the DVD player before putting it back on the shelf so Virgil wouldn't be able to guess.

     Virgil finished with the dishes and headed out, sitting on the couch next to Logan, "So what are we watching tonight?" He asked, looking over at his nerdy friend, "You will see in time." Logan replied. He picked up the remote and lowered in the TV, happy as it went right to the movies menu screen, "You're starting to understand my favorites. Cool." Virgil said, though he knew he was blushing, 'He actually pays that much attention to what I do? I love that..' he thought, smiling. He didn't notice as he laid his head on Logan's shoulder. Atleast, Not until Logan wrapped his arm around him.

     By the end of the movie they had both ended up falling asleep, their heads right next to each other and their breathing steady.

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